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Survey Results: Debt Perception
by Scott Bilker
Scott Bilker is the author of the best-selling books, Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt, Credit Card and Debt Management, and How to be more Credit Card and Debt Smart. He's also the founder of DebtSmart.com. More about and DebtSmart can be found in the online media kit.
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Scott Bilker This survey originally ran in the 5/21/03 DebtSmart Email Newsletter.
To take the survey click here.

Is there such a thing as good debt or bad debt?

75% of respondents said "Yes"
15.5% of respondents said "No"
9.5% of respondents said "Don't Know"

"Bad Debts are unnecessarily expensive."

"Good debt in my opinion would be considered student loans. Bad debt would be credit cards and things like that."

"It is good to have some debt as it can establish your credit rating."

"There is only what I can afford to pay for & what I can't (debt). If you have no resources to pay for an expense that is debt (bad). If you have resources to cover an expenses the "debt" is good. Most people use credit/loan "debt" & really have no idea how much the expense can truly cost them...that makes the debt bad... so these scales are not necessarily a true indicator of good or bad it depends on the financial resources of individual. But generally my approach is an exception to the general rule. Using a credit card does not necessarily create a debt unless you carry a balance that involves paying finances charges, then it becomes a bad debt, instead of a good debt. Finance charges determine whether a debt is good or bad. as well as how necessary is the expense, car, home? You need more information to determine whether the debt is good or bad, so I don't know. I will judge it for my situation. I am debt free & paying no interest on my credit card & my trucking school loan. I have no car or home. Good/bad debt is a personal judgment."

"Debt is debt. However those types of debt that are secured by specific collateral provide the lender an opportunity to foreclose or perfect their security interest in the collateral by taking possession of the property. Unsecured debt can be considered bad debt because it is not collateralized, the lender has nothing to repossess or foreclose. Interest rates are generally much higher on unsecured debt unless the borrower has an impeccable credit history and the lender bases their decision on that history of ability to repay."

"Because some debt in specific areas offers (Mortgages which many don't consider debt but and investment) is good debt. Actually hold a credit card, and a little debt on that, but paying it on time and regularly might also be considered a good debt, so that you can have an established credit rating."

"Debt is debt. It all depends on your credit. If you pay on time it is good but if you pay late it is bad. The only good thing to do is not get into debt. You will always have a car payment insurance, and a mortgage."

"Because to build credit you need debt."

"Good debt allows you to have an investment like a home, a bad debt is one with a high interest rate."

"Some debt can reduce income taxes."

"Any time you owe money it is bad."

"Good debt is something that appreciates over time, such as a home or property. Also good debt is were your return on the debt is greater than the actual debt, like student loans."

"Depends. Obviously, no debt is the best, but if you need to borrow to buy a home or go to school (an investment) and that is the only way to do these things, than I would not call it bad."

"I think any debt is foreseen as bad debt because once you owe money to one creditor the rest are willing to extend credit to you leading to an even bigger debt."

"Good debt establishes credit. In these days, you need a credit card for securing a rental car. Utility companies and others need to see credit history when you apply for these services, otherwise, you may be asked to provide a sizable down payment."

"Good debt is a mortgage, especially if you under age 55, bad debt is credit cards."

"I think that good debt is when you own a house and are paying a mortgage, this helps increase your credit rating. Bad debt is when you have tons of credit card debt piling up from shopping sprees because you were bored or whatever the case may be."

"Too much of a good thing, but i also think that if you are paying your bills on time, then you shouldn't be judged against for 'having too much', in whose opinion?"

"Some debt COULD be considered "good" if it's debt that truly advances an individual -- something that is manageable can enrich a person's life without being a burden (bad debt)."

"Debt to buy a house is good. You can control a lot of house for a little down payment and financing."

"Good debt is debt that is used to build up your credit history. If handled correctly, it enables you to purchase bigger items like a mortgage or a car. The trick is to not accumulate too much."

"There is definitely bad debt--credit card debt is nothing but. However, I can't go as far as to say there is such a thing as good debt. Tolerable debt, maybe. For instance, I went into debt to get my college degree which has given much greater earning power than if I didn't have the extra education. But I'm not happy about taking on the debt, and I treated it exactly as I did the credit card debt I used to have -- I worked as hard as I could to pay it off as quickly as possible. Now I have no debt -- good, bad or otherwise!"

"Good debt is a mortgage because it is an asset that USUALLY will appreciate in value and you will get a tax break on the interest. In my opinion, all other debt is bad!"

"Sometimes debt can be used to leverage a better opportunity."

"Good debt is for ONLY "NEED" Bad debt is for ONLY "WANT""

"Debt that is incurred to acquire income producing assets is good."

"If you're living on credit, i.e. charging groceries, then there's a real problem. A mortgage is sensible in that it offers a tax shelter and the property is an investment. Few people have the cash to go out and buy a home outright and it's far better to take out a mortgage than to pay rent which yields no benefits beyond the immediate. Also, just because a mortgage can be paid off over the course of 15 or 30 years doesn't mean that it has to take that long. The tax benefits wane after the first few years anyway, so just pay it off in 7-10 years if possible."

"Debt like houses are good investments. You also need to build up credit with some debt."

"Debt is inherently bad."

"Depends what the debt is for."

"Some improve your score while others reduce it. A lot of times it's the companies you're using."

"My first instinct is to say no...BUT. The only "good" debt I can think of could be a home mortgage. Good because of the tax savings. But even THAT would depend on your income level, etc. I would have to conclude that for ME there is NO good debt!"

"I think all debt is bad. Sometimes it is unavoidable and even worth it (think college loans, mortgage), but it is never "good" to have a debt hanging over your head."

"Good debt - shows payment history and spending habits (risky behaviors) bad debt - shows lack of judgment, poor choices and history of collections."

"Some debt, such as college loans and mortgages are "good debt". With a college loan you will eventually increase your income significantly."

"For us an asset that will grow in value is a good debt. example- mortgage."

"There probably is in some wild scheme, such as if you have outstanding debt you may qualify for some benefit. This is true in some states for receiving medical assistance."

"Good debt would be limited debt (house note, car note) that allow major purchases over time. Bad debt is short term (credit cards, vacation debt) for immediate satisfaction."

"I have heard that having a mortgage is good debt, but I think any debt is probably not a good thing."

"It's not Biblically sanctioned."

"Some things are almost impossible for young people to save up for in a short period of time, such as buying a house outright."

"Some debt like house mortgage is good, you get tax money back and you establish yourself as reputable with creditors."

"Mortgages are a form of good debt, since you will own property long-term and a percentage of the mortgage is tax-deductible."

"Some debt will ultimately improve your financial situation while other debt will keep it from improving."

We asked: Please judge the following debts as being good or bad based on the following 1-to-5 scale:
1-very bad debt, 2-bad debt, 3-not good or bad, 4-good debt, 5-very good debt. The results were:

Credit Card Debt

48.81% of respondents said "1"
28.57% of respondents said "2"
17.86% of respondents said "3"
2.38% of respondents said "4"
2.38% of respondents said "5"
0% of respondents said "Don't Know"

Car loan

7.14% of respondents said "1"
29.76% of respondents said "2"
40.48% of respondents said "3"
16.67% of respondents said "4"
4.76% of respondents said "5"
1.19% of respondents said "Don't Know"

Car lease 

60.71% of respondents said "1"
17.86% of respondents said "2"
11.9% of respondents said "3"
7.14% of respondents said "4"
0% of respondents said "5"
2.38% of respondents said "Don't Know"

Home mortgage

3.57% of respondents said "1"
5.95% of respondents said "2"
13.1% of respondents said "3"
34.52% of respondents said "4"
41.67% of respondents said "5"
1.19% of respondents said "Don't Know"

Home equity loan

22.62% of respondents said "1"
30.95% of respondents said "2"
19.05% of respondents said "3"
19.05% of respondents said "4"
4.76% of respondents said "5"
3.57% of respondents said "Don't Know"

Investing on margin

33.33% of respondents said "1"
10.71% of respondents said "2"
16.67% of respondents said "3"
4.76% of respondents said "4"
3.57% of respondents said "5"
30.95% of respondents said "Don't Know"

College student loans

5.95% of respondents said "1"
11.9% of respondents said "2"
30.95% of respondents said "3"
36.9% of respondents said "4"
10.71% of respondents said "5"
3.57% of respondents said "Don't Know"

Charging college related costs with a credit card

60.71% of respondents said "1"
26.19% of respondents said "2"
7.14% of respondents said "3"
2.38% of respondents said "4"
2.38% of respondents said "5"
1.19% of respondents said "Don't Know"

Borrowing from a bank to start a business

2.38% of respondents said "1"
8.33% of respondents said "2"
40.48% of respondents said "3"
35.71% of respondents said "4"
8.33% of respondents said "5"
4.76% of respondents said "Don't Know"

Borrowing from friends to start a business

55.95% of respondents said "1"
19.05% of respondents said "2"
14.29% of respondents said "3"
4.76% of respondents said "4"
4.76% of respondents said "5"
1.19% of respondents said "Don't Know"

Borrowing from credit cards to start a business

66.67% of respondents said "1"
21.43% of respondents said "2"
9.52% of respondents said "3"
0% of respondents said "4"
1.19% of respondents said "5"
1.19% of respondents said "Don't Know"

Cash advance to gamble at a casino

92.86% of respondents said "1"
3.57% of respondents said "2"
1.19% of respondents said "3"
0% of respondents said "4"
2.38% of respondents said "5"
0% of respondents said "Don't Know"

Department store credit card debt

55.95% of respondents said "1"
25% of respondents said "2"
13.1% of respondents said "3"
3.57% of respondents said "4"
1.19% of respondents said "5"
1.19% of respondents said "Don't Know"

Buying groceries on credit 

63.1% of respondents said "1"
17.86% of respondents said "2"
13.1% of respondents said "3"
2.38% of respondents said "4"
1.19% of respondents said "5"
2.38% of respondents said "Don't Know"

What are some criteria you use to judge whether a debt is good or bad?

"If the debt costs a lot and if the debt could pay off in the future."

"Student Loans are going to benefit you in the long run- they are good debt, and the rates now are very low too. Everyone needs somewhere to live, so I think mortgages are an essential also."

"What the interest rate is, how long it will take to pay off, whether it can be deducted from your taxes."

"Judging whether I have cash, savings, paycheck, collateral to cover expenses... I use my credit card for most of my expenses: grocery, phone, transportation, but I pay the card balance at the end of the month, same 4 department store cards. It makes my payments orderly & I see what I spend."

"Credit Card debt is usually unsecured debt. And while the creditor can litigate and obtain a judgment, in the State of Florida they must use the judicial system for debt recovery. Interest rates are usually reduced to 10%. Student Loan debt is usually guaranteed by the Federal Government and the government has levying powers against wages, bank accounts and Federal Tax Returns. Using credit cards to purchase groceries or items of every day use are like taking out a loan from a lending institution to purchase these items. Who in good conscience would want to pay 24.9% interest on a loaf of bread? Taking cash advances to gamble is likened to burning the cash. The same rule applies about taking out a loan to gamble. If you lose $1,000.00 and you had to pay 24.9% interest on top, you'd have to win at least $1,250.00 to pay back the cash advance (calculated on a one year period) Where's the fun in that?"

"The interest rate on a card. The investment value of the debt. The positive's and negatives in each situation, and how it affects/effects my overall credit rating and cash flow so I can subsist on what I have as income rather than depending on credit cards to supplement the income."

"Do I end up paying more for something than it could ever be worth? (House, car) Do I give a company free money via interest and get no benefit from it? I always thought a mortgage came under the 'good debt' category until I got one and saw what a bad deal it is. Now I am convinced that all debt is bad. I still have my mortgage payments but I pay off everything else on time to avoid interest charges. I pay extra on my mortgage each month to try and reduce the overall amount I will pay but I still am paying much more for my home than it will ever be worth. That's the definition of a bad debt to me."

"If you use a credit card for food or other consumable goods then you are crazy. If possible use CASH or a check. Be sure to keep your receipts."

"Whether or not it makes sense or is a necessary debt."

"Whether the interest is tax-deductible; whether the credit card charges a low interest and has good reward programs."

"Return on investment."

"Biblical guidelines."

"Accruing debt for daily living expenditures is hugely bad."

"Are you investing in the future (student loans or home ownership), are you taking care of an unexpected emergency (root canal or car repairs), will you be able to pay it back within a reasonable amount of time, without having to pay too much interest?"

"If credit cards are used to pay day to day living expenses then you are way over extended and need to take a look at your finances. Today people are so embarrassed to talk about finances but I think if more people talked about it then perhaps we would realize that we are not alone in our situations and perhaps we could use one another's experiences as a learning experience."

"The interest rate and whether or not it is used to purchase something that is absolutely necessary or beneficial versus something that is unnecessary and just desired."

"Mortgage and equity loan debt is good because you build equity in your house and can deduct interest on taxes. How good this is depends on income and tax rate. Credit card debt is usually bad. It depends on interest rate, amount of debt, over how many cards etc. Personally, for the income my husband and I have I think $10,000 or under on no more than 2 cards would be ok. Loans to start a business or for college are ok. I don't know about using a credit card for either it depends on how much you are putting on a card, how often, etc. I have read of people starting successful businesses using credit cards and getting $100,000, but I am skeptical. With that and college you have to evaluate when the business will make money or your earning potential with your degree. Now since the economy has been bad I have been reading about people getting MBA and getting psychology advanced degrees. I guess they couldn't find good enough jobs so they continued on with college. Borrowing money for an education is usually good."

"Determining the purpose of the debt. Again needing to establish a good credit history. It's okay to have debt, but bad if you don't pay it off if you can, or only paying the minimum balance due."

"Whether the debt is worthwhile, like a mortgage is good because you will most likely make money on your home when you sell, my house value has doubled in 9 years. Credit card debt to buy things, especially things that aren't vital to living, i.e. food, utilities, is bad unless you get a 0% interest rate for 12 months or longer. Home equity debt can be good if you are doing much to improve your house, that the cost will be exceeded by the extra value."

"If it helps your credit report and you aren't struggling to pay off all this money you "borrowed" then I believe it is a good debt. I think there is a fine line between good and bad debt though. Sometimes things get a little fuzzy."

"Need vs. want, gambling at a casino isn't exactly the wisest risk to take with your money."

"Can the debt be repaid reasonably? Is the debt incurred due to perishables or things that will last? Will the debt result in advancement/positive results?"

"Will the debt produce passive income?"

"Is this an investment or just a want? If the debt is going to provide a greater benefit in the long run then go ahead with it. It wouldn't make much sense to settle for flipping burgers for minimum wage if you can go to college. Even if you have to take out a loan to pay the tuition."

"Don't use debt on perishable items."

"Who's benefiting from the debt."

"Item purchased, company borrowed from."

"House debt is good, because you will live there. Credit Card debt is bad only if the charge cards are full and it takes you more than 6 months to pay them off. Dept Store credit cards are usually at a high rate. Borrowing from friends & family is risky."

"Credit cards are bad debts. A house gains equity, a college loan projects a return (better job)."

"How much will it cost me (time, money, worry, etc.) in the LONG run?"

"Whether or not the money borrowed will create additional funds that will pay the interest that the debt costs."

"If the debt is not going to be paid off immediately and it is for an item that will be gone before the debt is paid, it is a very bad debt. (Charging food on a credit card that isn't paid off each month- you can't get enough frequent flier miles to make up for the finance charges and interest you will owe.)"

"Payments on time and more than the minimum, not pushing credit line limits, where the debt is incurred at (casino (bad-poor planning/lack of control), home loan (investment)...)"

"I determine what you will get out of the debt in the long run. Such as with a mortgage you will own your own house and with college loans you will obtain a degree and a higher paying job."

"1. If debt is tax deductible. 2. If benefits outweigh the costs (education you gain more than you lose. 3. If debt can qualify you for beneficial programs. 4. Interest rate."

"I think credit card debt is bad but there are exceptions. You could get a 0% rate for a year that would not be bad, as long as it is paid off by then. I also use my credit card to buy groceries, but pay it off each month and get $$$ rewards on the card. I have had the card about 6 months, i paid zero in interest and have over $200 in cash rewards that i get at the end of one year."

"If the thing I'm going into debt to have is something I won't have before the debt is paid off, it's a bad debt."

"Whether or not the "loan" will be paid off ASAP, whether or not the "loan" will be used for a decent purpose (i.e., NOT gambling it away)."

"If you can pay it off quickly it is OK, if the rate is very low (5% or less) it can be OK as long as you don't go overboard. If it is an expense that will better your life in the long run rather than short term it can be OK (like student loans)."

"If you will gain something long-term from it, like property or education, is good. If you will simply be in hock with nothing to show for it except high interest costs, is bad."

"Debt such as mortgage or for a business where the debt is paying for something that can increase in value is good because it becomes an investment. Any debt for consumables or things that lose value quickly I consider bad debts."

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Reader Comments

"Very good newsletter-keep it coming!"

"Really like the newsletter. It is informative, and very helpful to those in the credit industry."

"Really enjoy the tips etc. Keep them coming."

"Good, cool and fun."

"I think the newsletter is great. I really enjoy reading it. And get some good advice from it."

"I like the newsletter, when i get a chance to actually read it, although i need someone to make me stay home and take my money to pay my debts. LOL"

"I only wished I had subscribed sooner."

"Very helpful with great ideas. Keeps me on my toes."



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