This survey originally ran in
the 6/5/02 DebtSmart
Email Newsletter.
Do you "love" your credit card bank?
50% of
respondents said Yes |
50% of
respondents said No |
The article listed 10 reasons to "love"
your credit card bank. Which do you agree with and/or disagree with and
"I totally agree that credit
cards offer (#1) access to money in ways that can be put to your
advantage. There are many instances where I've received a great
rate/deal by using my credit card. I'm not so sure about that
Warranty Protection (#5), though. Many credit card companies charge
for this service, and that should've been mentioned."
"Chance to build a positive
credit history. With my track record mostly from credit card use and
payment I have been told by prospective landlords that they have
never seen a better credit rating for a 20-something. And I no
longer need a co-signer on my leases because I have credit history
of my own. Money in an emergency. It's true, cars break down at
inconvenient times, a credit card can get it fixed and you on your
"I agree with your reasons
(greater protection for defective merchandise, 24/7 service, etc.),
but I'm still leery of credit card banks. Let's face it, they offer
those services not to be nice, but to get us to charge more!"
"I like using my credit card to
reduce costs- at the dentist etc. and also in emergencies when I
can't get to the bank or ATM."
"Access to money / feeling of
security for a single Mom on a limited income ."
"Agree:The ones that brought out
the point that you don't lose anything really if you lose your
"I liked the idea of using the
credit card in lieu of a debit card. The protection in case of theft
made sense."
"I agreed with all of them. They
were all good reasons to love your bank and to have a credit
If yes, why do you "love" your credit card
"It's hard to love a snake."
"They give me lots of nice 0% apr
offers and I can simply transfer balances and never have to pay for
what I buy, besides paying back the original charges! Additionally,
I have taken checks Citibank has given me that has 0% for 6 months,
wrote myself a check for $1,000 and put the money into a 6 month CD
(even though the interest sucks right now), I'm still making myself
a profit, and they made it possible!"
"I love that I earn cash back on
purchases and I am protected if I use my card and I have a problem
with the merchant. I also like the security of knowing that if I
lose my credit card or if it gets stolen, I will not be held
responsible for any charges not made by me."
"Gives me more time to pay for
something. I always have the cash to pay for the item, but i put it
on a credit card and it gives 1 - 3 months to pay for the item. Also
I am able to earn a cash back reward."
"I get great customer service,
low rates (though not always as low as I'd like), and a nice
"safety net" which allows me to live my life without fear
of an emergency."
"I can use money if I need to
without having to go thru a person , totally up to me ."
What do you Think?
the Article
Take the
Reader Comments
"I like
getting this newsletter. It is very informative and contains many
useful stories. I hope you add to it and never stop issuing
"Great newsletter. Valuable
advice, and I look forward to receiving it. Keep up the good
"I really like it, but I don't
think it brings out the really bad side to credit for some people.
It can be an addiction."
"I get some really great ideas from
this newsletter that help me solidify my resolve to get out of debt.