This survey originally ran in
the 1/2/02 DebtSmart
Email Newsletter.
How many credit-offers did you receive in
the mail today?
14.3% of
respondents said 1 |
28.6% of
respondents said 2 |
19% of
respondents said 3 |
14.3% of
respondents said More than 3 |
23.8% of
respondents said None |
How many offers are for new credit cards?
20.00% of
respondents said 1 |
25.00% of
respondents said 2 |
10.00% of
respondents said 3 |
15.00% of
respondents said More than 3 |
30.00% of
respondents said None |
How many offers are for lower rates on
your current accounts?
30.00% of
respondents said 1 |
20.00% of
respondents said 2 |
10.00% of
respondents said 3 |
40.00% of
respondents said None |
What do you Think?
Take the
Reader Comments
"You rock! My resolution for
2002 is to pay down the damn Visa balance even though I have a 9.9%
fixed rate Platinum Capital One card!!!"
"I love your
newsletter. My husband and I put a hold on our credit reports so the
banks don't get our information anymore and we don't get the 500 a
day offers."
"I love the newsletter. It is
very informative about debt reduction, as well as, realistic about
debt and the fact that people have it."