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Sunday, March 9, 2025   

Review of "Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt" by Scott Bilker
by Jeffrey Strain
Jeffrey is the owner of SavingAdvice.com - a website dedicated to saving you money.
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When it comes to saving money, there are some deals that are no-brainers. Take Scott Bilker's book Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt: Phone Calls To Banks That Saved More Than $43,000 In Interest Charges and Fees! for example. Not only does he show you how to talk to bank card representatives to lower interest rates, get fees waived and deal with credit card disputes & billing errors, he guarantees you will save over $200 in the process of using his advice or he'll give you a full refund of your money (and keep two other credit card management books for free to boot). It's not often that we are guaranteed a risk-free 1000% return on our money.

Bilker made hundreds of calls to credit card companies for himself, his family and his friends to try and get better credit card deals and to find out what calling strategies work and don't work when contacting credit card companies. The results presented in the book are 52 full transcripts of calls to credit card companies he actually made and an analysis of each.

Bilker realizes that although it may appear simple to call a credit card company and ask for a better deal, it's extremely helpful to have a well thought out plan before and to know exactly what to say when a pressure situation arises. This includes having your "deal breaker" handy - the action you'll take if the credit card company fails to make a reasonable compromise on your request. He also emphasizes the art of bargaining power by showing how to keep all your credit options open.

The book will be most beneficial for those who carry a credit card balance and would most likely have a harder time when negotiating with credit card companies. There's solid advice in dealing with the run-around that representatives are bound to give and making sure you reach to a supervisor who will have more power to help you. While it would be great to have Bilker there negotiating with your credit card company for you, the book is the next best thing to having him make the calls himself.



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