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Friday, March 14, 2025   

Buy a Car with a Cash Advance?
by Scott Bilker
Scott Bilker is the author of the best-selling books, Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt, Credit Card and Debt Management, and How to be more Credit Card and Debt Smart. He's also the founder of DebtSmart.com. More about and DebtSmart can be found in the online media kit.
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Scott Bilker

Hi Scott,
Read your article Consider Financing Your Next Car with a Credit Card and as you asked I'm commenting on same. The logic of the 4.9% at 6 Months makes sense, BUT is it a reality? You said use your credit, WRITE A CHECK, isn't writing a check tantamount to a CASH ADVANCE? I believe it is with most credit card companies. If it is, then aren't you looking at a much higher interest rate? Example, one of my credit cards has PURCHASES @ 18.90, while CASH ADVANCES are at 23.00! And, any monies paid against the balance ALWAYS goes to the lower interest rate! Any comment? BTW, I enjoyed the article and you have a great website! Very interesting, informative & helpful "stuff!"

Thank you for writing!

You're correct that you would probably have to write a check. And yes, it's a cash advance, however, I have many, many, many, no-fee, low rate, check offers. I have one I just used for 2.99%, no-fees, which is far better than any used car loan I could get otherwise.

I said in my article to "consider" using your credit card. If it doesn't make sense in your case, then don't do it, but many people may be able to get a better deal this way.

Talk to you later.


I just wanted to see if my train of thought process with regard to interest rates (cash vs purchase) was correct. BTW, know where I can get a credit card with a $75,000 credit line, I want to buy a used Ferrari! Keep up the great work, love your website!



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