"Scott was a great guest & a great interview...I am looking forward
to having him back on the show. The interview was EXCELLENT--definitely a
hit with Mike and me. We are definitely interested in having Scott be a
recurring guest. He was so well-informed--he really gave our callers some
great advice. We had people on hold who were waiting to talk with him when
he went off air! It was a great show--thanks so much!"
Anna Cohen,
Producer, The Mike Show, Business Talk Radio
Scott, you're an informative and intelligent guest
thank you for your recent
participation on our radio talk show 'Krusher Late N Live.' We all had a wonderful time.
We all had a sense of having learned a great deal. In financial terms that we all
understand. Truly a gem to find as a guest. Scott, Thank You again!
Robyn J., WSMN1590am,
Nashua, NH
"I heard a portion of your interview this morning on WWNR/Beckley and
when it came to savings on biweekly mortgage I said 'I do not want to hear
the false theory on how much money you can save.' You hit the nail on the
head, which I have been telling people for 10 years, that one is merely
increasing their payment on an annual basis. I have been amazed, how some
many somewhat astute people, can not understand the math of multiplying X $
times 26 being more than X $ times 12 resulting in higher mortgage payment
equating to lower interest costs. You have a friend in W Va and I will
obtain book and/or e-mail newsletter. PS Many things in life are made
difficult by the intellectual when simple answers are better understood by
the consumer and can solve the majority of the issues."Charles
Great interview...our news director turned it into a news story to be used for the
rest of the day...thanks for doing the show.
Holmes, host of R&R in the Morning on KITN radio, Worthington, MN
You were very down to earth and easy to work with.
Some guests get so wound up in talking they forget to let us get on with new questions,
but such was not the case with you. You cut straight to the point, and used language that
the standard citizen can understand. I think any person listening would have benefited
from your advice.
Natalie Nicole Gilbert, WQFL radio,
Rockford, IL
I got your column. It's very good. It's rare that a writer figures out how to write
so normal people can comprehend it.
Debbie Estevez,
Managing Editor, The Albany Journal
Very good, very informative book, a great book to go through your debt A to Z to
help yourself get out of debt before you need to see a lawyer...Credit Card
and Debt Management, it's a great book on everything that has to do with
charge cards from credit card and debt management to choosing a charge card to
But what's interesting, what popped out to me, is that your book
gave me all the information that I was never able to find.
James J. Burns, C.F.P. (Certified Financial Planner) host of The Extra
Help Channel's
In the Money
“We've discussed this
(credit cards and debt) before on It's Your Money, and in the
many articles and publications that come across my desk, I found one
that I thought was particularly appropriate for us to discuss. The name
of the book is Credit Card and Debt Management. The author is
Scott Bilker. And Scott Bilker has put together a book that not only
explains the problems that you can get into but with all kinds of charts
and graphs that you can easily fill out. You can work your way out of
debt following the instructions carefully laid out by Scott Bilker. This
is a $19.95 value friends and let me tell you something, that is not a
very high price for the terrific guidance you're going to get from this
book. I'm plugging this book…because I think it can help thousands upon
thousands, if not millions, of people who are up to their eyeballs in
debt and need some guidance in how to get out of it.”
—Dr. Bill Bailey, host of Talk America
Radio's It's Your Money, heard nationally on more than 360
radio stations and on the Internet.
Credit Card and Debt Management by Scott
smart, it's got everything you need to know, you're going to save yourself from all kinds
of aggravation and trouble. It's all lined up, it is easy to read, there are a million
angles, and they're all for real, you won't have any trouble with it except you'll
probably not have any trouble with credit or with debts.
—Dorie Lenz, host of
WPHL-TV's (WB 17) Community Close Up |
Scott, I would like to thank you very much for sharing with us today. As I've looked
through your book, it looks like it's easy enough to follow. The workbook pages are clear
and concise, and I would wish you great success in helping people to be able to become
more disciplined; be able to handle their debt a little bit more accountably and
Kathy Scott, Host of KGDC
AM Live, KGDC radio, Walla Walla, WA