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Wednesday, March 12, 2025   
Consumer Spending Quiz
by Richard Crammer
Richard Crammer
Richard Crammer served as the editor at DebtSmart.com for two years.
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Have you ever wondered if what you spend on food is higher than the average family? And what about how much you spend on housing, clothing, or entertainment?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics annually reports the spending habits of consumers in the US. Most of the answers from this quiz were taken from this report. So, if you are curious about how much you spend compared to the national average take the quiz. (All the answer choices are approximations)

1. About how much did the average person spend on food in the year 2000?
I don't know!

2. In 2000, how much did the average consumer spend on transportation (this includes car purchases, gas, maintenance, public transportation, etc.)?
I don't know!

3. What was the average spent on apparel in 2000?
I don't know!

4. What was the average spent on entertainment in 2000?
I don't know!

5. What was the average spent on housing in 2000? (This includes shelter, furniture, cleaning supplies, etc.)
I don't know!

6. What did people spend dining out in 2000?
I don't know!

7. What did the average consumer spend on pensions and Social Security in 2000?
I don't know!

8. What did people spend on tobacco and alcohol?
I don't know!

9. What is the total expenditure for the average consumer?
I don't know!

10. What is the average income per household?
I don't know!


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