Discover® More Wildlife
Intro Rate: 0.00%, Time Period: 12 Months, APR:
10.99%. |
Citi® Platinum Select® MasterCard
Intro Rate: 0.00%, Time Period: Up to 12 Months,
APR: As low as 8.74%. |
TrueEarnings® Card from Costco
Intro Rate: 0.00%, Time Period: 3 months on
purchases, APR: 1.99% for 6 months on transfers. |
IberiaBank Visa® Classic Card
Intro Rate: 0.00%, Time Period: 6 Months, APR:
6.25%. |
Discover® More Card
Intro Rate: 0.00%, Time Period: 6 Months, APR:
0% for 12 months on transfers. |
In This
Cool Quote |
Fighting an Increasing Rate |
STATISTIC: Penalty Fees in 2008 |
The Interview That'll Bag a Job |
Credit Cards for College Students Video |
"I saved my sister $566.17 in less than 2
hours!" |
With This Debt, I Thee Wed |
Household Math™: Sale or gas savings? |
Budgeting 101 |
6 Smart Ways to Stop Money Stress in Your
Marriage |
Cool Quote
"Success is defined by oneself by setting attainable goals
and reaching them."
--Richard Bayha
More cool quotes from past issues
I had a card that had a fixed rate of 5% on my balance. I
closed the account years ago when I started taking control of my debt. Since
this was the lowest rate of the cards I had, I was only paying the minimum and
concentrating instead on paying off other high interest credit. I received a
notice with one of my invoices that they would be increasing the rate to 20% and
that I basically didn't have a choice in the matter (fine print). I transferred
the balance over to other cards that would have a lower APR than the 20% they
would be imposing; however, this severely limited my available credit for
emergency purposes.
Just wanted to know if it is legal for them to increase
the rate on a closed account and if there was any other option for me to
consider. Obviously, this would be information for any future similar situations.
Finish reading the article
MasterCard, Visa and other bank card customers paid $14.6
billion in 2008 just in penalties--such as late payments and over credit limit
More credit card and debt statistics
The Interview That'll Bag a Job
In recent weeks, recruiters for Consolidated Container Co.
have seen job candidates arrive up to an hour early for interviews. Other
candidates have alluded to financial hardships while in the hot seat, and one
person even distributed bound copies of documents describing projects he
completed for past employers.
These sorts of tactics aren't exactly winners.
In today's ultra-competitive job market, even getting an
interview is a feat. Yet recruiters and hiring managers say many unemployed
candidates blow the opportunity by appearing desperate or bitter about their
situations---often without realizing it
See story here
Very well done video that warns college students about
credit cards. This humorous look at how some students may view credit teaches
practical lessons that are worthy of college credits.
Finish reading the article
I am helping my younger sister get control of her finances
by using a $5,000 windfall. She has 11 credit cards totaling $15,000, one of
which she had already entered into a payment agreement with, and the other 10
were all 60 days past due. I got your book for her, read the chapter on paying
off or settlement of debts. I called 4 companies in less than 2 hours. Two of
the accounts would only waive 2 late fees; another waived 4 months of fees
($170.30) and the 4th reduced the balance by 25% = total savings $566.17 and the
latter 2 are keeping the account open and NOT reporting negatively to any credit
bureau! SO GLAD I got this book. Can't wait to see what will happen with the
remaining 6 accounts! After I get my sister's finances straightened out, I'm
going to tackle lowering my interest rates!
Learn how to "Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt"
With This Debt, I Thee Wed
If there's a money matter more likely to cause conflict
for couples -- maybe even divorce -- it's debt.
Being in love and in hock is no way to go through a
marriage, because being in hock might just put the kibosh on the love,
particularly in the early years. Debt, it turns out, is a leading cause of
family strife during the first few years of marriage, according to Creighton
University's Center for Marriage and Family.
That doesn't mean debt will necessarily...
See story here
How much are you really saving to be there for that sale?
This is a true situation at our house. My wife drives a Dodge Ram, it gets 12
mpg (miles per gallon). Gas in our area is $2.45 per gallon. The mall is 18
miles each away. If she cuts back and only goes to the mall once a week, instead
of twice a week, how much would she save in one year? (Steve, DebtSmart Reader,
submitted this question.)
Answer this math problem
Even a CPA thinks this topic is boring. So why did I
choose this topic to discuss? Because unless you have an unlimited supply of
cash and savings, it is probably something you should think about and consider.
Most people think of a budget as a set of rules that tell you where you can and
more often can't spend your money. I try to think of a budget as a
tool--something you use to achieve a goal. Maybe your goal is a special vacation
or a new house. Maybe it's saving for your kids college education or your
retirement. Or maybe it is much more basic such as paying your monthly bills or
paying off your credit card debt. Whatever your goal may be, a budget can help
you achieve it.
To develop a budget, you need to...
Finish reading this article
6 Smart Ways to Stop Money Stress in Your Marriage
Tough economic times strain your wallet and your
relationship. Here's every couple's guide to finding--and keeping--financial
I knew my husband and I were in big trouble when I heard
about the ukulele.
A friend told me her husband had spent $500 on a ukulele
and kept it hidden for two months. Money had become such a sore subject that
they'd completely stopped talking about it, so he was afraid to tell her about
his impulse buy. And when he finally fessed up, she flipped. Financial and
relationship chaos ensued.
This story gave me a cramp in my...
See story here