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ISSUE #183

Email Newsletter  

  August 20, 2008  

Scott Bilker
Scott Bilker, founder of DebtSmart


I hope this finds you and yours well and enjoying the summer. If you've read my book, Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt, and found it helpful, I'd like to ask for a favor. Would you please post a review at Amazon? Just click here to go directly to the page--thanks!

My savings dreams have come true! Yes, COSTCO has come to my town. I joined at the executive account level for $100, and it's worth it. ESPECIALLY when you use their American Express card. The savings on gas is 5%! Plus, the card offers more discounts and rebates than any other I am using now (and I have plenty, as you know). So, if you are a member of Costco, you should get the American Express card. You can get the business account here or the individual account here.



Loan Consolidation
Direct Lending Solutions
Guide to online lending choices.

Loan Consolidation
Dөbt Consolidation Loans
Online dөbt consolidation loans & strategies to avoid bөnkruptcy.

Debt Settlement
Eliminate Crөdit Card Debt
Settle credit card debt- 50% or less. Rөduce payments. $10K minimum.

Debt Settlement
Too Much Credit Card Debt?
Get a frөe quote to reduce debt up to 60% and be debt free fast!

Personal Loans
Personal Loans
Offering personal loans for people with bad crөdit.


Featured Credit Cards


37 Days to Clean Credit
How I Boosted My Credit Score 135 Points In Only 37 Days!

Stop Debt Collectors Cold!
Stop Debt Collectors Cold! Plus, for a limited time, 4 bonus reports.

Credit Secrets Bible
Step-by-step, easy-to-learn, easy-to-use insider consumer credit secrets.

Get out of Debt E-Book Package
Strategies for getting out of debt and true methods for frugal living.



Credit Cards

Discover® More Wildlife
Intro Rate: 0.00%, Time Period: 12 Months, APR: 10.99%.

Advanta Platinum BusinessCard with Unlimited Rewards
Intro Rate: 0.00%, Time Period: 15 Months, APR: 7.99%.

Citi® Platinum Select® MasterCard
Intro Rate: 0.00%, Time Period: Up to 12 Months, APR: As low as 8.49%.

Blue from American Express®
Intro Rate: 0.00%, Time Period: Up to 15 Months, APR: 4.99% (for life on transferred balances).

Advanta Life of Balance Platinum Card
Intro Rate: 2.99%, Time Period: Until Paid

Chase Platinum Visa®
Intro Rate: 0.00%, Time Period: 12 Months, APR: 11.99%.

Discover® More Card
Intro Rate: 0.00%, Time Period: 12 Months, APR: 10.99%.


In This Issue

Cool Quote
Good credit rating but too much debt for low rates
STATISTIC: College students pay their bills
Study: Online banking possibly dicier than assumed
Loan Sharks
"Not sure where we would be..."
Little Ways to Save Big
Household Math™: LTV
9 Steps to Unshakeable Confidence
America's Cheapest Cars

Cool Quote

"God wants us to prosper financially, to have plenty of money, to fulfill the destiny He has laid out for us."
--Joel Osteen, Lakewood Church, Houston, TX

More cool quotes from past issues

Good credit rating but too much debt for low rates
by Scott Bilker


I just found your website in a book I am reading from the Rich Dad Series. I am in business for myself for 8 years now. I have high CC debt all for the most part business debt. We always pay our bills on time. Recently though, the CC companies started raising their interest rates on us and lowering our limits dramatically. Some to the tune of 35%! I am at a loss of what to do.

My business is doing well to the point that, if I were able to pay off these cards, I would be able to do my business on a month-to-month basis without accruing any cc debt. Herein lies the problem of being able to pay off the credit card debt especially at these rates. Even at these rates, we still are not making any late payments. Our credit rating is excellent, but we are carrying too much debt to acquire lower rate cc to lower our monthly payments. What can we do?

I am going to try and call all of my credit card holders and see about lowering my monthly interest as you talked about in one of your articles. I am also ordering your books as soon as I finish with his email. Your help is appreciated.


Finish reading this article

STATISTIC: College students pay their bills

41 percent of college students have a credit card. Of the students with cards, about 65 percent pay their bills in full every month, which is higher than the general adult population. Among the 35 percent of college students with credit cards that do not pay their balances in full every month, the average balance is $452. This is down 19 percent from 2007. Moreover, this balance is approximately one-third the size of the average balance for active non-student young adult accounts and one-fourth the size of active accounts for older adults.

More credit card and debt statistics

Study: Online banking possibly dicier than assumed

SAN FRANCISCO - Many banks are unwittingly training their online customers to take risks with their passwords and other sensitive account information, leaving them more vulnerable to fraud, new research shows.

The result is that even the most security-conscious Web surfers could find themselves the victims of identity theft because they've been conditioned to ignore potential clues about whether the banking site they're visiting is real--or a bogus site served up by hackers.

See story here

Loan Sharks
by Iwona Kurecka

In the world today, it is not at all unusual to find yourself short of the cash you need to pay your bills, feed your family and maintain a reasonable lifestyle. For every working stiff who runs out of money before they run out of week, there are unfortunately a number of shady characters willing to loan you all the money you need at an exorbitant interest rate. You will have to be careful to avoid these loan sharks when you find yourself in need of quick cash.

Loan sharks are not just something made up in Hollywood to sell movie tickets. Unfortunately, loan sharks are all too real and getting involved with one can wreak havoc on your personal and professional life.

Finish reading the article

"Not sure where we would be..."

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I don't know how to say it any clearer than that!! Thanks to your website and books, I have been able to reduce my overall credit card debt from $35K plus to just over $15K, and my highest interest rate is at 2.99% with a balance of only $6200. The remainder is at .99% or 0%.

I am now able to put money into a savings account, two IRA's, and my 401(k) plan while still paying all the bills.

We are a single income family of four, paying a mortgage, with all the household bills that come with that as well as all the credit card payments made each and every month with extra payments sent as well--all on only $80K a year.

Not sure where we would be if I hadn't found your website and your wonderful books with words of wisdom.

It wasn't easy for my family to do what we did, but we have done it, and learned some very valuable lessons. The most important of which is, don't purchase what you can't afford to pay for!

Again, thank you for all you do to help others deal with the credit mess their lives are in, often times at their own doing.

Keep up the good work; it is helping others!

Tracy Mundy

Learn how to "Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt"

Little Ways to Save Big

When it comes to cutting costs, consumers always look at the big stuff. Postponing that vacation. Keeping your car a few more years. Nixing the addition on the house.

But it's often the little things that can make an even bigger difference. For instance, Joseph Montanaro, a certified financial planner for USAA Financial Planning Services, says he saved $130 a month just by kicking his daily Dr. Pepper habit. That's a savings of $1,560 over a year.

See story here

Household Math (TM): LTV
by Scott Bilker

A lender agreed to make a loan based on a purchase price of $250,000 with a 90% LTV. If the property appraises for $250,000, what is the mortgage amount?

Answer this math problem

9 Steps to Unshakeable Confidence
by Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler

What is confidence? According to Webster's dictionary, it's "having no uncertainty about one's abilities."

Have you ever wondered why some people seem totally self-confident, while others are in almost total lack?

Actually--no one is born confident. Confidence is built through life experience, and especially the feedback you receive as a youngster about your experiences. If you receive (and collect) a lifetime of negative beliefs about your own abilities, then you will have low self-confidence.

It's true that some people are naturally extroverted--naturally bold and outgoing. Others seem to be more naturally introverted, and tend to be more cautious in life.

But the fact is...extroverts are not always self-confident, and introverts do not necessarily lack confidence. Both extroverts and introverts can have unwavering certainty about their own abilities--the most basic sign of confidence.

Finish reading this article

America's Cheapest Cars

With oil hitting $147 a barrel and gas prices averaging $4.10 nationwide, all of a sudden cheap, small, simple cars are much more appealing.

It's something General Motors has noticed, as evidenced by the company's announcement this week of major cuts to its truck division as part of a multibillion-dollar restructuring. Similarly, Toyota is halting truck production for three months at its U.S. plants.

While the backbone of the cheap-car market has been, traditionally, first-time car buyers, current gas prices are boosting the market for cars $15,000 and under by 17%, according to auto analysts. From the commuter to the family to the cash-strapped and every type of driver in between, small cars are increasingly popular.

See story here

The author(s), Press One Publishing, and DebtSmart.com shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by the information contained in this email newsletter and/or at the DebtSmart.com website. The information, methods and techniques described may not work for you and no recommendation is made to follow the same course of action. Every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of all content contained herein. However, there may be mistakes; typographical, mathematical, or in content. This email newsletter and the DebtSmart.com website have been created for your entertainment only. You must always seek the proper professional advice before taking any financial or legal action. You have been warned. Copyright ©2008 Press One Publishing. All rights reserved. Please do not reprint, or host on your web site, without explicit permission. However, if you found this newsletter helpful, we grant you permission, and strongly encourage you, to e-mail it to a business associate or a friend. Thank you.

The DebtSmart Email Newsletter, ISSN 1538-6740, is written and published by Scott Bilker and edited by Larissa Bilker and Denise Troy. Please contact comments@debtsmart.com with any comments, problems, or concerns. (See the very bottom of the email to make changes to your subscription.)

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"The DebtSmart Email Newsletter is packed with cutting-edge strategies for solving credit problems. I highly recommend it."--Gerri Detweiler, radio host and author of The Ultimate Credit Handbook

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