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Intro Rate: 0.00%, Time Period: 12 Months, APR:
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Advanta Platinum BusinessCard with Unlimited Rewards
Intro Rate: 0.00%, Time Period: 15 Months, APR:
7.99%. |
Citi® Platinum Select® MasterCard
Intro Rate: 0.00%, Time Period: Up to 12 Months,
APR: As low as 8.49%. |
Blue from American Express®
Intro Rate: 0.00%, Time Period: Up to 15 Months, APR:
4.99% (for life on transferred balances). |
Advanta Life of Balance Platinum Card
Intro Rate: 2.99%, Time Period: Until Paid |
Chase Platinum Visa®
Intro Rate: 0.00%, Time Period: 12 Months, APR:
11.99%. |
Discover® More Card
Intro Rate: 0.00%, Time Period: 12 Months, APR:
10.99%. |
In This
Cool Quote |
Cutting Up Credit Cards |
STATISTIC: Americans More Stressed Over Work
and Money |
Unclaimed Money |
Used Car Buying Tips |
"I LOVE your advice and caring attitude" |
AP-AOL poll: Debt hurts your body, too |
Household Math™: Working for Gas |
Bill Paying Methods |
18 Ways to Beat Inflation |
Cool Quote
"Every moment wasted looking back keep us from looking
--Hilary Clinton
More cool quotes from past issues
My wife and I have a lot of credit cards. WE would like to
cut them up so we don't use them. Should we notify the companies first to cancel
them? We are having trouble paying them. Thanks for your help.
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Work (74 percent) and money (73 percent) are on the rise
as stressors (compared with 59 percent for each in 2006), and half of Americans
(51 percent) specifically identify housing costs, such as rent or mortgage
payments, as significant sources of stress, particularly on the East and West
Coasts. Sixty-one percent in the West and 55 percent in the East (compared to 47
percent in the Midwest and 43 percent in the South) reported housing costs as a
very or somewhat significant source of stress.
More credit card and debt statistics
Unclaimed Money
Banks deactivate accounts after a period of inactivity.
These accounts can then be claimed by the owners or heirs of the owners. I've
claimed money from an account my grandmother had for my mother. My mother never
even knew about the account, but once everything was online, I was able to easily
find it. You should periodically check for accounts that may be rightfully
yours. Two sites to look at are: (1)
Missing Money; and (2)
Buying a used car is almost always a difficult experience.
You need to do plenty of research to be sure you're getting a good deal; you
need to negotiate prices; you need to find the best financing, and so much more.
Here are a few great tips to make that job a little easier.
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I have been reading and enjoying your site for quite a
while. I have written to you, and you have assisted me with a question I had about
debt. The reason I am writing today is to say how much I LOVE your advice and
caring attitude. When the writer said she was not sure about buying your book,
you did NOT do like most people and say 'You must buy the book' You simply said
you have a money back guarantee and suggested the library. This really made me
realize even more so that you genuinely care about people, and you are not out to
make a buck. Scott, keep up the good work.
Nichole Jefferson
Read more about Scott Bilker's books
AP IMPACT: AP-AOL poll: Debt hurts
your body, too
WASHINGTON--The stress from deepening debt is becoming a
major pain in the neck--and the back and the head and the stomach--for millions
of Americans.
When people are dealing with mountains of debt, they're
much more likely to report health problems, too, according to an Associated
Press-AOL Health poll. And not just little stuff; this means ulcers, severe
depression, even heart attacks.
Take Edward Driscoll, 38, of Braintree, Mass. He blames
debt--$10,000 worth--for contributing to his ulcers and his wife Kimberly's
panic attacks. "Just worrying, worrying, worrying, you know, where the next
payment of this is going to come from," he says.
See story here
You work full time. That's five days per week (8 hours per
day). The commute to work is 100 miles (round trip) each day. You average 25
miles per gallon. Fuel costs $4.05 per gallon. How much of your net hourly pay
goes to fueling your car?
Answer this math problem
How are you paying your bills? Do you still write checks
each month, stuff them in an envelope and slap on a postage stamp, or have you
ventured into the world of online bill paying and automated payments?
Bills can even be paid these days with a simple phone call
and telephone transfer. Most people have at least a couple options available for
bill paying. No matter what method you choose, there are several things that
should be taken into consideration.
Finish reading this article
18 Ways to Beat Inflation
Cut out some waste and take advantage of a few overlooked
deals, and you can rein in your budget without feeling like a penny-pincher.
1. Gas - Conserve Fuel in Any Car * 5% of your household
budget, up 21% from a year ago
* Underinflated tires can cut your mileage per gallon by
5%, says Jesse Toprak of Edmunds. Check your tires once a month.
* And lose the lead foot: You can save up to 33% by
maintaining steadier, slower speeds.
* Potential savings: About $800 a year--not to mention
what you'll save in speeding tickets.
See story here