Chris Peruzzi writes rants. To see more of his work go to his
website, |
If you ever want to see me lose my
temper really fast, talk to me about my debt counseling company. I
have never had to deal with such a band of galactic level screw-ups
in my life. In a roundabout way, I would guess that they are doing
the job they are supposed to be doing. They are curing me of any
kind of desire to ever be in debt again.
I tell you it would have been better
if I had never even started this venture. Honest to God! These
people are horrible. I think that if I had gotten a home equity loan
at a lower interest rate, not only would I NOT have the problems
that I have with these people, but my credit record would have
improved immediately, and I would be able to take a tax deduction on
the interest payments on my loan. Which is something that you can't
do with a credit card loan.
I remember the day that I spoke with
Consumer Credit Services of South Florida, Inc.* (
I found them via the internet (something I'd advise everyone never
to do). I spoke with a representative named Marty Bassman and told
him straight out what my problem was. That I was making payments for
a couple of years and they seemed to never go down. I owned a home,
but the payments that I was making were starting to become a little
steep. Not unmanageable, but steep. Marty said that he could help
me. He told me the new payments that I'd be making and that the
interest rates that I was paying would go down. All I had to do was
send them a money order on time every month, never use those credit
cards again, and pay them by the 15th of every month. So that there
is no confusion about the 15th, they were to receive the payment by
the 15th, not send the payment out on the 15th. He guaranteed that
in 5 years my debt would be gone and my credit would look great.
That was my biggest concern. Making
my credit better. It wasn't bad, it could just be better. I could
get a mortgage for a house, but I might not get a good credit card.
Marty assured me that I was doing the right thing and that this
program could not possibly hurt my credit.
So, I got the contract and the
payment slips, and waited a day to send back the agreement via fax.
When I called back (the next day), Marty had left the company,
according to this new representative David Phelps. I spoke to David
now. My impression of him boiled down to washing my hands after I
had handled the phone. He was as slippery as oiled plastic, if that
makes sense. Once again, I spoke to him about the rates that Marty
had assured me and asked if this was going to hurt my credit history
and record. He said that this could not POSSIBLY hurt my record. He
said that in the perspective of any credit agency that I would be
perceived as someone who is making an honest effort to pay his debts
and build a good financial background. The only catch was that I was
to close the credit card accounts that they were paying off. This
was not a problem as most of them were maxed-out anyway, so I wasn't
going to use them to begin with.
I sent back the contract and sent my
first payment. They said that if I got any harassing calls over the
next month, that it would not be unusual it was part of the payment
plan and it may take some time to get to the credit card's
collection department. I was not having a warm and fuzzy feeling by
this time. If there is one thing I DO HATE, it is getting calls from
creditors. But, like they said, the calls started, then the calls
stopped. To be safe, I had American Express do a credit check on
myself and see what it looked like. All the accounts that I agreed
to put on the plan had an addendum that I was on a consolidation
plan and that everything was good.
And everything WAS GOOD, in the
beginning. Here's how every month ran. I get paid every two weeks.
Usually, on the second paycheck of the month, I would withdraw money
either from an ATM or would cash my paycheck directly and go to the
local post office and get a money order or a stamp. This would
happen no later than the 3rd of each month. I would send a cover
letter saying that this payment was for the following credit cards
(with the account numbers), my account number with CCSI, the $318
payment, and the payment slip. At the bottom of the letter (as is my
custom with all business correspondence, especially in the job that
I have at present) I attached the following statement.
"As always, if you have any
questions or comments, please feel free to either call me at the
number below (my home phone number next to my signature) or reply
via e-mail to (my other e-mail address)."
This is one of my catch-alls. If
there is any problem that I should be aware of, please call me. Hey,
it's part of being A PROFESSIONAL! Another back door was that I was keeping the actual agreed contract and all of the money order receipts
in an envelope (which I still do). And I had one more back up,
because the money order is from the US Post Office, guess who the
witness is that the payment was made and cashed. That's right, the
US government could be called to trace the payments, if they had to.
About 90% of the payments that I made are via the post office. It is
only under extreme duress, that I will go elsewhere.
And so my life was going great in
blissful ignorance of what Consumer Credit Services of South
Florida, Inc. was doing with my payments for a couple of months.
Then fate intervened.
My car died.
I had to get another. My car had gone
to car heaven and was not coming back. So, I had gone to the
dealership that my family has given PLENTY of business to (David
Michael Honda of Freehold). It was February and I had just gotten my
Christmas bonus, so I could afford to put some money down on the
car. So, we picked out a nice car, a 1998, used, black VW Jetta, and
applied for a car loan. And guess what? That's right, my credit was
turned down. Now, bear in mind, I had not missed a payment on
anything for at least 4 years, I was earning over 50K a year with a
fortune 500 company and my wife was earning a decent salary herself.
I asked the loan officer** why we were turned down. He said point
blank that it was because I was with a debt consolidator. The loan
officer advised me to get out of the deal if I could. We had to
apply for the car under my wife's credit with me cosigning the loan…AT
It was Saturday, and I couldn't call
them until Monday! So, I boiled. When Monday came, I called to see
what had happened. I got some brainless twit of a representative
that said that it was part of the agreement that I signed. I went
back to the contract.
There was nothing in the contract that said
that my credit would be virtually destroyed while I was on the
program. This was NOT part of the deal that I signed. I signed a
deal that was supposed to REPAIR MY CREDIT, not make it worse!
wasn't certain as to what I should do. Would it be better to stop
the program and have it be perceived that I couldn't do it which
would make an even worse impression on my creditors, or should I
stay and ride it out and get out of the program as fast as I could.
I decided the latter.
But CCSI was not through with me yet.
Another virtual breach of contract was on the way. After I had made
my 27th payment to them, things started to go REALLY bad. In October
of 2001, I was getting calls from US Bank about my MasterCard
account. Huh? I asked what was wrong and they said that they were
receiving the payments late. Not wanting to jump the gun and panic
and strangle someone straight off the bat, I kept my cool and
explained that the only MasterCard account that I had was from a
debt consolidator and they should have received the last payment I
had made. Also, keep in mind that I had proof in the form of the
date on the money order, which I kept on file. I also had to ask the
representative if she had known where she was calling and reminded
her that due to the September 11th Anthrax scare in Monmouth County
and Central New Jersey mail might have been delayed, and to be
I didn't receive another call for one
month. The MasterCard account was apparently late again. This time I
asked when it was due. The representative said it was due on the 2nd
of the month. I told her that it was impossible for my payment to be
late as I was paying it on the same time, every time, every month.
Through deductive reasoning, the only two things that could be going
wrong was that the agreed payment date on the contract was altered
or CCSI was sending out the payments late (or both).
I called CCSI and spoke with another
twit. I said that one of my creditors, that you are making payments
to, keeps calling me and saying that the payments are late. They
said that they were making the payments as soon as they were coming
in. So, I asked them when, on the contract that they had, were they
supposed to receive the payments. They said that they were supposed
to receive payments on the 2nd.
They said
that they were checking their records and that they were looking
back to when I started the plan in November of 1998. November? The
first money order I have was from September. I reminded them that
the contract, whose copy I still had, and the first payment I had
made with the receipt (that I still had) indicated that payment
started in September of 1998, and was to be received by them on the
15th, a date that I had initially specified. They said they
understood and they would fix the problem. They said that if I
wanted this problem to be prevented in the future, that I would have
to make the payment even earlier by two weeks. So, basically, they
wanted me to make a payment a month before they were due. Let me
remind you that they were the debt consolidator and I was their
client. Also, if they make their payments late, the creditors and my
credit history do not reflect that they were late, it reflects that
I was late. And the collectors come after me.
Guess what happened the next month.
The representative called me and said
that the payment was late again. (Of course they make these calls at
8 o'clock at night and when there isn't a damn thing you can do to
solve the problem.) I spent that sleepless night figuring how I was
going to scream at CCSI.
The next day I told them they had half an
hour to fix the problem or the next call I was going to make would
be to an attorney for breach of contract. I also told them that I
was going to call the Better Business Bureau, (whose approval they
have so much pride in posting on their website), and tell them this:
That all of the payments were made on
time except that one account. That I had all of the original
documentation of the agreement that I had made. That, in telling me
that their organization would make my credit record better, they were in
fact making it worse by making late payments. That if I ever wanted
to buy a bigger house or an additional car, I may not have that
possibility because of mistakes that they had made. That I probably
would have been better off getting a home equity loan to consolidate
my credit and built a better record with the payments I was making
directly to one creditor.
When I had called them and told them
what I was going to do, they took some action. Amazing what happens
when you threaten with a legitimate lawsuit. Their answer was that
they had called the creditor and that they had them make a note to
have them call CCSI instead of me. They reviewed my contract and
(surprise, surprise) I was right. I suggested that there might have
been a problem with the payment due date, and that it might have
changed when the account, (which was originally Core States Bank of
Delaware), went to US Bank. And that CCSI would have their best
results if they change the due date to one which would correlate to
my payment. They also were saying that apparently there is a delay
between the creditor's Accounts Receivable department and their
Collections department and they weren't certain whether or not the
problem was resolved.
This was last month. All I am really
reminded of is the Latin phrase, caveat emptor--let the buyer beware. What I am hoping for is to get
enough money with this year's bonus (Bwahahahahahahahaaa!!!!) to pay
off one account at a time and redistribute the payment I am making
to my creditors to pay the accounts off faster. I see little hope in
getting a home equity loan with a decent rate to pay off my existing
accounts, because CCSI has rather efficiently destroyed my credit.
My advice to anyone reading this rant is to carefully investigate
any debt consolidator you decide to go into a contract with, and
check their track record. But even more so, unless you are bordering
on bankruptcy, not to do it. Just pay it off by hook or by crook and
don't let these incompetents (who most likely know less than you do
about your loans) get to your money.
These people are quite consistent on how
much they screw-up! and on how much apathy they have for their own
business. Your credit is NOT a 9 to 5 business, and it is not
something that should ever be taken lightly.
Can you imagine how furious I will be
next month?

*- Nice pretty site, huh? If you only
knew how many other shmoes like me they have conned. I had read an
e-pinion about them once after the fact and this guy hated them as
much as I do.
**- Believe it or not I come from an
upper middle class family. My family has given more business to
David Michael Honda than most of their other customers. My father
bought his last 4 cars from them and has them do all of his regular
maintenance and bodywork. My sister and brother-in-law bought their
last 3 cars there. My wife and I also bought our last 3 cars from
them, and have our maintenance and bodywork done there as well.
Also, my eldest sister has a VW from them. We usually get preferred
service, so when I got the loan officer to level with me as to why I
did not get the loan, it was no big accomplishment. The car
dealership had more to lose than just my sale, if I was not happy.