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Don't Buy a New Computer. Let's Save Money!
by Gregory Thomas
Gregory Thomas is the editor of SavingSecrets.com. SAVING MONEY IS AS EASY AS 1...2...3! WANNA LEARN HOW? Hop over to our web site and find FREE money-saving articles, a FREE bi-weekly "Money Saving Tips" newsletter and even a FREE Ebook download titled "Coming Up With Some Xtra Cash" just for stopping by! Click Here - - http://www.SavingSecrets.com
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Gregory Thomas

Have you been thinking about buying a new computer to replace your 1-2 year old system? If so, let's take a moment to decide if this is the *best* decision to make, or if there are some other options you have to help save a substantial amount of money.

First off, ask yourself if you really need to spend $1500+ just to have the latest computer system sporting the newest, fastest processing chip. Are you really going to be using all that computing speed and power?

Your answer all depends on how well your current computer system is performing, and what you are SPECIFICALLY going to use the computer for. The majority of you may find that an "upgrade" is all that is necessary to give your aging system new life.

For those of you unsure of what an "upgrade" entails, it is merely the process of replacing a specific component of your computer with a new, faster, improved replacement part.

Please note that YOU MUST MAKE SURE the upgrade components you select are compatible with your specific computer system. Just like you wouldn't put diesel fuel in a tank designated for unleaded fuel. :-)

Here are some of the most popular upgrades computer users make to their aging systems:

Does Your Computer Need A Modem?
If you are thinking of buying a new computer just because it lacks an internal modem, hold on one second! You can simply purchase a 56k modem for under $20 at any computer electronics store like Best Buy, CompUSA or Fry's Electronics.

You then simply slip the modem into the proper location and install the software program that comes with the unit. You can even opt to pay a little extra to have a technician from the store install it for you to guarantee a hassle-free upgrading experience!

How Much Memory Do You Have?
Is your computer running slow? Take a moment to find out how much RAM your computer has installed. The amount of RAM (random access memory) determines how fast your computer accesses programs and the amount of tasks you can perform simultaneously.

Your computer's RAM is defined in megabytes (MB). Most older computers have anywhere from 16-32mb. Computers sold today have anywhere between 64-256mb. That's a big difference we're talking about.

If your computer has 16mb or 32mb RAM and you want to improve the performance of your system, seriously consider upgrading to either 64mb or 128mb. This is one of the easiest and most cost effective ways to improve your computer's performance for under $100.

* IMPORTANT NOTE * You must FIRST check your computer specs to find out how much RAM your system can handle AND what type of RAM you need to buy. There's tons of options out there so make sure you know what kind to get before buying anything. If you are unsure of what type to get, or if you "misplaced" the computer manual, simply take your computer in to your local service center and they will find out for you.



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