Michael Angier |
Michael Angier is the founder and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer) of
SuccessNet based in
South Burlington, Vermont USA. He’s a father, husband, writer, speaker,
entrepreneur, coach and student. He's also the creator of The World Class
Business™ Conference. |
today's market and with today's technology it's never been easier to
compete with established companies and well-known individuals. Never
before has opportunity been so universally available.
Every day I see where someone has
published their first book, launched a new company, starred in a new
film or partnered with a large corporate entity. I like to read
about people going for their dreams.
What may not be apparent is that
these are everyday people. Those who have been successful in
achieving their dreams are usually not any different than you and
Except for one thing--they went out
and did it.
All too often, I see people hold back
and not go after their dreams because they don't feel special
enough. They erroneously believe that the people out there doing
great things are privileged in some way. They believe them to have
more knowledge, more connections or more inside information than
they themselves do.
This is rarely true. With few
exceptions, the ones out there making things happen simply had the
courage and the urgency to do so. They believed in themselves and in
what they were doing. Sometimes not a lot--but at least enough to
get started.
They didn't wait for permission. They
didn't wait until everything was perfect. No stars had to align.
They didn't have it all figured out, but they acted nonetheless.
We live in a day and age where speed
is of the essence. The product or service that gets out there first
is usually the one to be the most successful. Wait until the product
is perfect and you'll likely lose out. Getting it launched is
As I consult with individuals and
senior executives of corporations, I find many viable ideas that get
launched late or not at all because they're not feeling ready or
worthy. There always seems to be something they're waiting for.
What's needed is courage. We must
give ourselves permission to act. We don't need anyone else's
permission. Boldness pays off. Initiative rules.
What are YOU waiting for? Where are
you holding back? What deep-seated dream do you have within you? You
deserve to fulfill your unique potential.
Remember that the people out their
winning simply believe enough in themselves and in their dreams to
take a chance. They're willing to take calculated risks--to bet on
themselves and on their ideas.
What's the worst that can happen?
There's no shame in failing. Failing is part of success and people
forget about your failings in the bright light of your
accomplishment. And they respect your courage.
I believe that everyone has a dream
they long to achieve. But I think most of these dreams lie buried
within and are never brought forth. And the world, as well as the
one with the dream are worse off for it.
If you're not clear on what your
dream is, take some action on any project that interests you. It
doesn't matter which one. The process may very likely expose your
true calling.
We find what we're looking for. If
you're intent upon uncovering your dream you will do so. For some
reason the Universe has a way of hanging on to answers until it
knows we are serious.
There IS a way to accomplish your
dreams. Find out what you need to learn. Who can help you? What's
your biggest roadblock? What one thing can you do today to move you
closer to your objective?
Take some action every day and you'll
begin to see your dream unfold.
In doing so, you'll find yourself
among those you admire and respect for pursuing their heart's
desire. We'll be reading about YOU.