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Saturday, March 15, 2025   

Identity Theft--A Personal Story
by Robert Gamble
Robert B. Gamble is an Electrical Engineer currently working for the U.S. Navy at The Naval Air Warfare Center in Lakehurst. Robert also is one of the editors of Scott Bilker's best-selling book, Credit Card and Debt Management. You can find out more about Robert at his web site rbgamble.com
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Robert Gamble

Several weeks ago I received a bill from Target Credit. I knew I did not apply for such a card, so I called the number related to the $160 worth of items charged and listed on the bill. They told me the items were shipped to someone in New York. Well, I was not about to pay for something I did not order, or receive, and I was not about to pay for a credit card that I did not even apply for.

I called Target, and came to find out that someone had signed up for the card, they had my name, my social security number, and my address, however the address had the wrong street number.

Needless to write, I told them to cancel the card and I filed a fraud report. Three months later, I am still receiving evidence that the thieves are still trying to use the card. Target assures me that they have canceled the card, and are not accepting any more charges. They assure me that their fraud department is handling it.

Thank you (Scott) for my Capital One card. Last week, I received a call from Capital One to verify if I truly wanted another Capital One Card. They noticed that the new application was to some address in West Virginia, and they wanted to confirm that I wanted the new card. 

They provided Capital One my name, and my SSN and the new address. I told them no, and they told me I should contact the three different credit report companies and put a statement in that would require the credit report companies to contact me when any new credit cards are applied for. Kathy (the Capital One person) gave me the phone numbers for the three credit report companies and suggested I call them ASAP.

As soon as I hung up, I called them. The three companies are:
Experian (888) 397-3742
Trans Union (800) 680-7289
EquiFax, Phone # from the Credit Report - (866) 233-3780

Equifax Information Services, P.O. Box 740256, Atlanta, GA 30374-0256

or, Could not speak to anyone
(800) 685-1111 or (800) 270-3435

or, for online help
(888) 532-0179

Fax machine number
(888) 729-0083

I was able to contact Experian & Trans Union and speak to a live person. They helped me file the necessary information, and said I would receive a letter within 10 days. EquiFax, only has an automated number which wants to charge $39.95 a month for their protection service. 

I have not contacted the number from the credit report that I received last month (Just by chance I ordered a Free report which came from EquiFax). While the credit report does not show the Target card, or any other card I don't know about, I still want to call and file the fraud report to require contacting me before issuing any new cards.

I hope this helps you and your readers, and again thanks for the Capital One card.



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