Sandy is a freelance writer and webmaster of She enjoys living the frugal life, saving money, and
helping others to do the same. Subscribe to her newsletter to receive more
money-saving ideas and frugal tips. Reprint permission granted with this footer
included. Copyright © 2002. |
The following are my favorite frugal tips that I use on a regular
basis. I hope that they will help you as much as they have helped me
and my family.
Keep a positive attitude.
When you succeed at saving money you are helping yourself. Pat
yourself on the back for meeting your goals. Remember that just
because you have determined to live by a budget, does not mean that
you are "cheap". Be content with what you have.
Remember that you have so much more than most people in this
world. Do not view budgeting as doing without; but as being an
intelligent consumer, and consistent manager of your money.
"Stretch" everything
as much as you possibly can.
For example, you can dilute these products with water, or cut
them in half and they will work just as well: toothpaste, shampoo,
hair conditioner, dish detergent, dishwasher soap, and laundry soap.

Drink lots of water.
It is better for you, and much easier on your pocketbook. At
home, the cheapest of course, is your tap water. However, if you do
not like tap water or desire filtered water, you can still save
money on bottled water by using these tips: Buy the store brand--do
not pay extra for name brands. When your bottles are empty, look for
the bottled water machines at your grocery store. In my area, I can
fill a gallon for only .25 cents. Compare that to .75 cents (or
more) per gallon that you are paying in the store. Stock up on small
bottles when they are on sale, and reuse them for lunches. At work
and when dining out, always order water. It is usually free. If you
take a bag lunch, take along a bottle of water or a thermos. Always stockpile sale items
whenever your budget allows for it.
This is a huge money saver, and my all-time favorite tip.
Stockpiling means buying enough of the item while it is on sale to
last you until the next sale. Spend as much of your budgeted money
as you possibly can on sale items. "Loss Leaders" are the
low-priced sale items that the grocery stores advertise to get you
into their stores. They are hoping that as you stop by for the sale
items, that you will do all of your shopping in their store. Don't.
Get the sale items and leave. Shop around. Compare prices. No one
store ever has the lowest prices on everything.
Never pay retail prices unless
absolutely necessary.
Use coupons, send for rebates, and shop the sales. If you use
the previous tip, you will always have on hand the things you need.
You will not have to make special trips to purchase items at full
price. Don't be caught by surprise - plan ahead. You will feel more
secure knowing that you have a full pantry as well. Make it yourself.
Make what you need instead of buying it. My favorite thing to
make is Laundry Soap. Click here for my recipes.
There are many things that I make
instead of buying. One is Pickle Relish. Instead of paying $1.29 for
a 10 oz. jar of pickle relish at the store, I buy the 46 oz. jar of
whole pickles on sale for $1.50-$2.00. Then I chop the pickles in my
blender or food processor. I save $3.00-$4.00 by doing this.
I refuse to buy processed cheese
slices. I buy store brand bricks of cheese on sale. The typical
price is $1.20 for an 8 ounce brick. Then I process the cheese in
the blender/food processor and add a little mayonnaise. This makes a
great cheese spread that you can put on sandwiches, and it is much

Shop the discounted bread
Did you know that most of the time the bread stores carry fresh
breads? You can get baked goods for a much lower price. Most bread
stores also offer promotions such as "frequent buyer
cards". Our local bread store gives discount cards. For each
$5.00 purchase, they will stamp the card one time. When your card
has 7 stamps, you turn in the card and receive a free $5.00 credit.
These bread stores also carry snacks, spices, and mixes. Pay your debts
Pay them off as soon as you possibly can, and do not charge
anything else until they are paid for. Keep a low interest card so
that you can take advantage of great deals online. You also may want
to keep it for emergencies. However, when you buy online, make sure
that you pay for your purchase as soon as the bill comes. If you let
interest add up on your great deal, it is no longer a great deal.
Don't buy it unless you need
Notice I said, NEED it - not WANT it. There is a big difference.
Curb your desires, and learn to discipline your spending habits.
Trust me, it can be done. Before you buy something, ask
yourself the following questions:
Is this something I can live without? Do I already have
something that I can use instead? Can I borrow it from a friend or
family member? How long will I have to work to pay for this? Do I
really need this, or do I only want it?
Always use the Five R's:
Repair, Restore, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - these alone will save
you a bundle.
If you will incorporate these tips into your daily life, you will
save money - guaranteed.