One of the topics I cover in my book,
Talk Your
Way Out of Credit Card Debt, is how to negotiate settlements. That’s
when you contact your creditor and say something like, “I know that I owe $5,000,
but how about I pay you $2,000 and we’re done?”

I’ve helped people with these negotiations, and I’ve
helped teach others how to do it themselves. Nothing makes my day more than
receiving the success stories of those that have read my book and saved a
bundle on their own! This one is great:
“Scott, I want to thank you for your book and advice. In
this crazy real estate market, I accumulated lots of debt. Your training on
how to settle on credit cards was great. I settled one of my visa credit cards
from $9711.43 balance to a settlement amount of $1,832.00! That's about 19 cents
on the dollar.”
--Robert Jenkins
Now the really cool part about this story is that
Robert sent me a copy of the settlement letter. (See below.) Please let this
story inspire you to take action, learn more, and save BIG!
