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The top 10 destructive money beliefs
by Dan Klatt
Dan Klatt created the Inner Wealth Mastery Program through http://tinyurl.com/fjfd . By subscribing for freee through that link to The Abundant Mind ezine, you can join him by phone live on July 8 when mind-control expert Mark Joyner will reprogram the limited number of callers for wealth. Subscribers also receive 6 FREE GIFTS including the Money Beliefs Quiz and "The Power of 57 Cents."
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Dan Klatt

If you're not making as much money as you'd like, then you're holding onto some negative beliefs about yourself and how much money you're capable of handling.

In this article we'll go through 10 of the most common (and most limiting) examples of how people hold themselves back financially.

Subscribers to my ezine, "The Abundant Mind," get a Money Beliefs Quiz. From their results, I've compiled these Top 10 Destructive Money Beliefs. How many can you relate to?

10. "Money is not spiritual."

Here's the belief that you're somehow more spiritual or more likely to have a better afterlife if you sacrifice greatly this time around. Or that you'll suffer after you die if you pursue the things you want, which you need money to buy. This belief is most often an effect of people's religious upbringing. Remember, you're here to live life fully right now. (Also see belief No. 1.)

9. "I'll get to it tomorrow."

When you put things off, you step out of the natural flow which includes Abundance coming into your life. It's almost always based on your fear that you'll fail anyway, and that will disappoint you. So you delay what you feel is inevitable. Once you start living in the moment, though, you let go of the grip the past held on you. You realize you're a new person now. You've learned and grown a lot since the last time things didn't go as planned. (And that only happened because you still had not learned something you needed then to succeed, which you probably know now.)

8. "I'll probably just fail anyway."

We've probably all heard the wisdom of Wayne Gretzky: "You always miss the shot you don't take." When people don't take action because they're afraid they'll fail, well, guess what, by not even trying they already have failed. You have already succeeded just by moving forward. You may not achieve your objectives right away, yet you will still have learned some valuable lessons. And that makes it more likely you'll succeed next time.

7. "But we can't afford that."

This kind of thinking comes from scarcity and lack, not Abundance. It also gets people to focus on what they don't have (which empowers them "not-having"). They feel like the things they do have are not enough. Instead, when you appreciate everything you do have, you come from Abundance and start bringing the things you want closer to you. You also realize there is no limit to what you can become, accomplish or have.

6. "Rich people are greedy and dishonest."

The first person to spread this untruth must have been a poor person. The fact is that most people who become wealthy are at least somewhat aware of the spiritual principles that allowed them to prosper. A key part of that is to stay in the flow, which means giving back. Rich people are among the most generous, too, and they started their habit of giving long before they started having a lot of money. Coincidence? Not a chance.

5. "If I'm successful, my friends will be jealous and stop liking me."

Remember that we live in an abundant universe. There IS enough for everyone. People who envy what others have are coming from scarcity and actually are a harmful influence on your Abundant Mind. It's actually critical to your experience of prosperity to only allow positive, supportive and inspiring messages into your brain. (And that especially includes your own thoughts!)

4. "I'm no better than my parents, so I shouldn't make more than they did."

The world was much different when your parents were where you're at. Tools like the Internet have made it possible for everyone to make a lot of money doing what they love. Besides, your parents may have struggled precisely to give you a better life than they had. They loved you and would want it no other way.

3. "I might forget what's truly important and not like the person I've become."

People who are greedy still come from scarcity and lack. (And if they made lots of money, they will not enjoy it and are more likely to lose it.) Instead, you'll come from Abundance, and you know that encompasses far more than material wealth. In fact, it requires a balance between great health, meaningful relationships, ample time for relaxation and playing, and truly enjoying your financial abundance. You will have an abundance of happiness when you come from an Abundant Mind.

2. "Money is the root of all evil."

This is the most common error we learn from our parents and religious institutions, and it keeps millions in poverty and a slave to money. That, by the way, is the only way we may judge money as "evil" - when it controls us. And that only happens when we feel we need it, because we're coming from scarcity and lack. When you come from Abundance, money becomes a tool to enjoy the finer things in life and to give you everything you need to fulfill your life's purpose. That's why we're here, right?

1. "I'm not worthy."

Did you realize that fully 90 percent of the population has an issue with low self-esteem? It's the No. 1 thing that holds people back and prevents them from living their dreams. When people feel they don't deserve wealth or abundance in any area, they don't take the opportunities they're given and instead do nothing and complain about people who have become abundant. They also make up lots of excuses to justify how life has done them wrong. Instead, please realize that The Abundant Mind is what separates the richest person from the crowd, and you can choose right now to come from Abundance and take your place among the wealthy. You ARE worthy.



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