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BUSINESS CREDIT SUCCESS! Plus, for a limited time, 6 free bonuses: Business Credit Resources List, $100 off incorporation of your business, Identity Theft Bonus Report, Free one-year subscription to the quarterly newsletter from Avelent Consulting, Ten Ways to Protect Your Business From Fraud report, and How to get a Bank Loan For Your Business 
by Garrett Sutton and Gerri Detweiler

Our Price: $197.00 (plus shipping)

Availability: PDF files immediately available for download, workbook and 2 audio CD's shipped to you!

Package (2005):
The complete Insiders Secrets program, (2 CDs + workbooks) Business credit resources list $100 off incorporation of your business Identity theft bonus report One year subscription to Avelent Consulting quarterly newsletter Special Ten Ways to Protect Your Business From Fraud report, Report: How to get a Bank Loan For Your Business


Build Your Business credit with no personal guarantees:

Top-Notch Business Credit

Regardless of Your
Personal Credit History

STOP Putting Your Personal Credit
on the Line for Your Business!

Attorney Garrett Sutton combines his expertise with Credit Specialist Gerri Detweiler to show you exactly how to Establish a Strong Business Credit Rating and Get Loans for Your Business… Regardless of your own personal credit history--by showing you the most powerful inside strategies used to build business credit!

Dear Friend,   

Too often, I’ve seen small business owners put everything they own at risk because they didn't choose the right business structure. One lawsuit and they can lose everything. And perhaps even more dangerous than choosing the wrong business structure, is borrowing the wrong way. If you don't know the best way to leverage business credit, you may be risking it all.

Do YOU have enough information to make sure this doesn't happen to you?

I’ve seen it time and again...Someone has a great business idea. They max out their personal credit cards, tap into their home equity, or raid their retirement funds to pursue their dreams. But while they are busy trying to get their business off the ground, they rip through all that money and have no back-up to tide them through until things take off.

If revenues don’t come in fast enough, they end up losing their business because they don't know how to leverage business credit...and many times even file for personal bankruptcy because of the loans they took out to get started. All of this could have been avoided if, while they were building their business, they were building access to business credit at the same time, using the correct strategies used to build business credit.


Have you used your personal credit to help fund your business?

Have you maxed out your credit cards because you can’t afford to take the salary you need while you build the business?

Are you tired of being turned down for business loans, without any helpful feedback from lenders who say “no”?

Are you afraid to even try?

Garrett Sutton,
Attorney at Law

My name is Garrett Sutton, and I am an attorney specializing in helping small businesses. I travel around the country and speak to packed audiences with Robert Kiyosaki, best-selling author of the Rich Dad series of books. But I am not just a speaker spouting a lot of theory. I’m a practicing attorney with clients all over the world and I help many small business owners with their toughest challenges, including how to leverage business credit with no personal guarantees.

I can’t stand to see good businesses fail. So I set out to find a solution to the dilemma almost all small businesses face: how to establish a strong business credit rating as quickly as possible.

I’ve teamed up with Gerri Detweiler, one of the top credit specialists in the country and author of five books including The Ultimate Credit Handbook. Together, we’ve created a step-by-step program to help you establish great credit, both personally and for your business.

Let us show you how to leverage business credit and start building your business credit profile today with:
"Insiders Secrets to
Business and Personal Credit -
Credit Strategies of The Experts"!


Gerri Detweiler,
Credit Specialist
I’m a stickler for detail. So when I was putting together Insiders Secrets to Business and Personal Credit, I scoured the Web and bought everything there was out there on building business credit. I even spent $800 on one kit!  But it was overhyped, practically worthless junk. That’s why I want to make sure what I give you includes the best strategies used to build business credit available anywhere.

You won’t find better information at a lower price…

How to Leverage Business Credit
I’ll show you how to
leverage business credit to get:

Major credit cards
Office supply accounts
Equipment leases
Vehicle leases
Store credit cards
Lines of credit
And MORE...
All without personal guarantees!

Don't be "taken in" by the many unscrupulous marketers out there trying to hoodwink consumers by telling them that building business credit is a solution to all their financial woes.

Here are a few of the common myths you’ll find out there:

"You can use business credit instead of personal credit if your credit is ruined."
These credit repair companies actually tell you to go out and get an Employer Identification Number to replace your Social Security Number, and use it to establish a business credit rating! This scam is so common that even the Federal Trade Commission warns against it on their web site. Don’t fall for it!
"You can build business credit overnight."
Don’t be misled by those companies that tell you they can get you a great business credit profile in just a few weeks or months. Building a business credit profile is just like building a personal one--it takes time. But we will show you every trick we know to shorten the process as much as possible. While you’re building your business credit rating, you’ll be getting credit, using it, and increasing your credit lines.
"You can buy a good business credit rating."

Whatever you do, don’t buy an unknown aged corporation to get credit. It’s a lousy investment. Here’s what happened to one of my colleagues recently: He was approached at a business convention by a company that told him they could help him establish a business credit rating immediately -- and it would give him $150,000 in unsecured credit guaranteed. How? He’d have to fork over $25,000 for an “aged corporation” (one that has been in business for a while but isn’t currently being used). My colleague said, “Let me have the company’s name and DUNS number (which you’ll learn about in my program) so I can check it out. The scamster said, “We don’t work like that.”

Fortunately, my colleague wisely said “No Thanks.” But you can bet there were other suckers there willing to pay to get credit, without knowing what they were getting.


Why is
"Insiders Secrets to Business and Personal Credit"
so Vital and Valuable to YOUR Business SUCCESS?

You’ll avoid costly mistakes. A common example: If you go to the Dunn & Bradstreet website and request your free DUNS number without first taking the steps described in our program, you may automatically flag your business as higher risk.
NO false promises. I am an attorney, and Gerri is a best selling author frequently quoted in the media. We aren’t going to sell you something that doesn’t work. It wouldn’t be worth it for either of us.
It’s affordable. When you’re starting your business, every penny counts. I don’t think you should have to pay the $400 or $800 other programs charge, for less information.
It can be crucial to your business success – or failure. Having access to business credit when you need it can mean the difference between a thriving business and one that folds. This information can be worth literally 10, 100, or even 1000 times its cost!

"If there is so much worthless information out there,
what makes you experts on strategies used to build business credit?"

3 reasons to believe what I say:


I have twenty-five years of experience as a corporate attorney, and I am one of 3 select Rich Dad Poor Dad Advisors for Robert Kiyosaki. I am also the best-selling author of books such as ABC’s of Getting Out of Debt and Winning With Credit, How to Buy and Sell a Business and Own Your Own Corporation.

Gerri Detweiler is the author of four books, including the Ultimate Credit Handbook (named one of the top five personal finance books of the year when it was released), and a media favorite quoted in publications like USA Today, The Wall Street Journal and featured on The Today Show and CNN. A credit educator since 1987, she’s served on credit reporting agency Experian’s Consumer Advisory Council twice.
While both of us are successful speakers, writers and consultants, we’re also actively involved every day in helping individuals and small business owners across the country, and even worldwide, achieve their goals.
What does this mean to you?

You’ll be able to tap into our years of expertise at a fraction of the cost it would take to hire each one of us individually! You’ll learn from us, from the privacy and comfort of your own home or business, according to YOUR personal schedule. We’ve "been there, done that", and we know what you're going through. We understand your frustration when you hear “no” to your loan application, when you’re juggling the bills, when you don’t know where to turn or whom to trust.

  Here's what one satisfied customer had to say about
Insiders Secrets to Business and Personal Credit:

"Gerri Detweiler's information on start up business credit was very educational for me. Being that I am a beginner it is vital that I get all the information that I can and that it be a good source of information, Gerri provides that. What really was impressive to me about Mrs. Detweiler is her generosity and servitude. She exudes the attitude of "I want to help you succeed."

Emily Thomas
CEO/Fashion Designer
Eniale, Inc.

We are so convinced this program will
put your business credit on the right track,
We offer our 100% money-back guarantee -- for a full year!

If Insiders Secrets to Business and Personal Credit doesn't help you get the
top-notch credit rating you deserve, we’ll refund your money – no questions asked.

You have nothing to lose...
unless you don’t try!

Here's what you'll get with your
Insiders Secrets to Business and Personal Credit Program:

  • Complete Insiders Secrets Audio CD Program:
    Two CDs - Insiders Secrets for Building Business Credit and Insiders Secrets for Building Personal Credit. As a business owner, you can’t afford to focus on one without the other! This program includes personal credit dispute letters that will show you how to dispute negative items on your personal credit report, (some business credit scores include both business and personal credit information, so you must work on both your business and personal credit score to maximize success).
  • Complete Insiders Secrets Credit Strategies Workbooks. Are you a visual learner who prefers to read than listen? You’ll get complete workbooks for both audio programs.

If you order now, you'll also receive:

*** 4 FREE BONUSES! ***

Bonus #1:
Business Credit Resources List: You’ll get a list of companies that would be happy to report your payment history to the major business credit reporting agencies. Why is this important? Because if you borrow, but your payment history isn’t reported, you won’t build your business credit rating. You’ll also find out which credit cards are available to small businesses – including those that don’t require a personal guarantee. Plus, you’ll be on our list to get additions to this list forever!
Bonus #2:
$100 off incorporation of your business through Altacian Corporate Services . You can incorporate your business in any state, including Nevada. This discount alone will pay for this program!
Bonus #3:
Identity Theft Bonus Report: Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in America. You’ll learn how to protect yourself from this devastating crime.
Bonus #4:
Free one-year subscription to the quarterly newsletter from Avelent Consulting packed with tax-saving and business-building strategies (4 issues total - A $99 value in itself!).
The value of these bonuses alone exceeds
the cost of this program, and they're yours FREE
with your purchase of Insiders Secrets to Business and Personal Credit!

But Wait....

There's MORE!

We're so sure you'll achieve the best possible credit rating for your business using the Insiders Secrets program, we want to "sweeten the pot" and give you every reason to say "YES" today!  So If you order now, you'll also receive this FREE special report:

"Ten Ways to Protect Your Business From Fraud
If You Accept Credit Cards"

Consumers are protected by federal law when their credit cards are used by thieves, but businesses aren't. They lose an estimated $2 billion each year to credit card fraud!

But that's still not all...

Order now and we'll also send to you:

"How to Get a Bank Loan for Your Business"

We've interviewed a commercial banker with many years of experience in working with small business owners, to find out what does and doesn't work when it comes to asking your bank for a loan. We've compiled this information into one informative report, FREE to you with your purchase of
Insiders Secrets to Business and Personal Credit

That's a total of SIX BONUS ITEMS -
all FREE to you with your purchase!

re-cap what you'll receive when you make your purchase:

  • The complete Insiders Secrets program, (2 CDs + workbooks)
  • Business credit resources list
  • $100 off incorporation of your business
  • Identity theft bonus report
  • One year subscription to Avelent Consulting quarterly newsletter
  • Special "Ten Ways to Protect Your Business From Fraud" report
  • Report: "How to get a Bank Loan For Your Business"

Don't forget... You risk nothing with our 100% money-back no-hassle guarantee. If you aren't absolutely thrilled with Insiders Secrets to Business and Personal Credit, just contact us (or send the product back) within one year and we'll refund 100% of your purchase price. And the best part is, the 7 free bonuses are yours to keep even in the unlikely event that you take advantage of the guarantee. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

While insider secrets like these are valuable beyond measure for your business, we don't think you should have to "break the bank" to get this information.  I've seen programs with much less information than what is contained here -- selling for $600-$800 or more, without the free bonus items.

I want to make it much easier than that for you - so I'm selling Insider Secrets to Business and Personal Credit for only $197! - which includes all the free bonus items promised above. (The SEVEN free bonus items alone cover the cost of the entire program - you can't lose!)

You will NOT find this kind of information; this high volume of expertise and value, at this price - anywhere else.

Picture this: Your business is thriving. When you need to borrow for the next opportunity, you can. You’re in control of your time and your future. Isn’t that what you really want? Just a fair shot at making your business a success? Isn't the future of your business worth much more than the cost of this program?

If you've answered "yes" to these questions, we can help you.  And we back up our claim with 100% guaranteed results!


Your order will be processed through a VeriSign-secured server.
And remember: if you're not thrilled with your results, just return the program within 1 year, pay nothing, and keep the Special Free Bonus items as our way of saying "thanks" for trying this program - that's a guaranteed win no matter what you decide!


P.S. Bonus items are limited-time only. reserves the right to change or withdraw bonus items at any time.

P.P.S. You risk nothing with my program. We're so sure you'll achieve the results you desire that we feel confident in extending to you our personal money-back-guarantee. And the free bonuses are yours to keep no matter what!

P.P.P.S. Remember, you don’t have to spend a fortune learning how to build business credit. Our unique program will help you reach your goals without taking valuable resources away from your business.

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