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Powell, Samantha
Samantha is a DebtSmart Reader who decided to share her tips for saving money with coupons. moonflowermania@hotmail.com
Shaunna Privratsky Privratsky, Shaunna
Shaunna is a discount diva stretching her dollars in North Dakota. Her latest e-book, "Secrets to $aving at the Supermarket" is now available at http://shaunna67.tripod.com Sign up FREE to her monthly newsletter.
Terry Rigg Rigg, Terry
Terry Rigg is the editor of the Budget Stretcher Newsletter. The Budget Stretcher Newsletter is published monthly and is loaded with information that will save you time and money everyday. Go to http://www.homemoneyhelp.com for more information.
Ellen Rohr Rohr, Ellen
Ellen is the author of Where did the Money Go? and How Much Should I Charge? You can reach Ellen toll-free at 877/MAX.ROHR, and her website at BareBonesBiz.com
Becky Schmitz Schmitz, Becky
Becky Schmitz is a certified tax resolution specialist and enrolled agent. Named 2006 Top Practitioner by the American Society of Tax Problem Solvers, she is the owner of Centsable Accounting, a tax problem resolution company based in Montana, but serving the entire U.S. As part of many tax problem resolution offered, Centsable Accounting offers assistance with bankruptcy.
Seppo, Sue
Staff Writer at theWhiz.com
Shields, Sandy
Sandy is a freelance writer and webmaster of TheFrugalShopper.com. She enjoys living the frugal life, saving money, and helping others to do the same. Subscribe to her newsletter to receive more money-saving ideas and frugal tips. Reprint permission granted with this footer included. Copyright © TheFrugalShopper.com 2002.
Simmons, S. L.
S. L. Simmons is a thrifty mom of two. Visit her site for more articles on on creating a home budget, saving money on groceries, frugal living tips and a free budget worksheet.
Keith Slotter, FBI Slotter, FBI, Keith
Special Agent Slotter serves with the FBI's New Haven, Connecticut, Field Office.
Ralph Splendorio Splendorio, Ralph
Ralph Splendorio is currently a Reverse Mortgage specialists for Mid Atlantic Capital. Mr. Splendorio has an MBA and worked in the past providing private financing for companies. You can reach him at rsplendorio@gmail.com with any questions.
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Money King Secrets
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
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CNN/fn: Your Money
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