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Moore, Richard
Richard Moore is Founder and CEO of Millenium2000Group.com.
ABC News News, ABC
ABC News is a division of American television and radio network ABC, owned by The Walt Disney Company.
Nguyen, Minh
Minh Nguyen helped established FHA Mortgage Direct, 1-800-723-1880, a branch of Excel Funding, to start the FHA mortgage process online. Minh has been a licensed loan officer and mortgage broker since 2000 and specializes in FHA mortgage programs.
Barack Obama Obama, Barack
Barack Obama has dedicated his life to public service as a community organizer, civil rights attorney, and leader in the Illinois state Senate. Obama now continues his fight for working families following his election to the United States Senate. Senator Obama is the Democratic candidate for the 2008 Presidential Election. You can learn more about him at BarackObama.com.
Jose Olivares Olivares, Jose
José Olivares is an Electrical Engineer currently working for the U.S. Navy at The Naval Air Warfare Center in Lakehurst. 
Diane Palmer Palmer, Diane
Click here for more great tips on saving money the easy way, and get in control of your money from Diane Palmer
Paxton, Rachael
Rachel Paxton is a freelance writer and mom who is the author of the Creative Homemaking Recipe of the Week Club Cookbook, a cookbook containing more than 250 quick easy dinner ideas. For recipes, tips to organize your home, home decorating, crafts, and frugal family fun, visit Creative Homemaking at http://www.creativehomemaking.com and Suite 101 - http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/
. You can write to Rachael at rachel@creativehomemaking.com
Chris Peruzzi Peruzzi, Chris
Chris Peruzzi writes rants. To see more of his work go to his website, VikarsRant.net
Pammila Phillis Phillis, Pammila
Pammila Phillis is a staff writer for CardRatings.com. CardRatings.com offers a consumer report of US credit cards and instant online approvals. Named among the 'Web's Best Sites' by SmartComputing magazine! The site is courtesy of Citizens for Fair Credit Card Terms, Inc.
Sarah Pond with Michael Angier Pond with Michael Angier, Sarah
Michael Angier is the founder and CIO (Chief Inspiration Officer) of SuccessNet based in South Burlington, Vermont USA. He’s a father, husband, writer, speaker, entrepreneur, coach and student. He's also the creator of The World Class Business™ Conference.
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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Art Fennell Reports
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
<Photos and Video>
CNN/fn: Your Money
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