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Tom Layson Layson, Tom
Tom Layson has chased earthquakes, forest fires, dirty politicians, and fast-flying airplanes during 18 years in television news. At News 12, Tom produces a nightly personal financial feature called It's Your Money. He has hosted two of News 12 New Jersey's Town Meeting programs on education and personal finance. You can read more from Tom at his It's Your Money blog.
Rebecca Lindsey Lindsey, Rebecca
Rebecca Lindsey is a staff writer for Credit Ratings.com. CardRatings.com offers a consumer report of US credit cards and instant online approvals. Named among the 'Web's Best Sites' by SmartComputing magazine! The site is courtesy of Citizens for Fair Credit Card Terms, Inc.
Rhett and Link Link, Rhett and
Long-time friends in the business of entertaining and/or confusing college students, kids, and others of questionable maturity. Rhett & Link spend their time churning out videos and songs intended to add some amusement to peoples' lives. Visit them online at RhettandLink.com.
Ruth Luban Luban, Ruth
Author of Corporate Refugees, Ruth is a counselor and consultant in private practice.She has spent the last twenty-five years developing workshops, treatment programs, and training for a wide variety of individual and corporate clients. You can reach Ruth at her website at: http://www.corporaterefugees.com 
Dateline programming includes investigative journalism, true crime, and human interest stories.
Gerry Manning Manning, Gerry
Gerry is a retired U.S. Naval Reserve CPO and has been in the computer field for over 40 years, for the last 20 running his own consulting business. Gerry's wife has her own small (7 employee) retail PC sales and service business (www.pc-place.com).
Shawn McAnnally McAnnally, Shawn
Shawn McAnnally is a man on a budget and founder of BudgetBrains.com, a site that helps regular people find simple solutions to life's complicated financial problems.
John McCain McCain, John

U.S. Senator John McCain has a long career of public service. After graduating from the Naval Academy in 1958, John McCain began his career as a Naval aviator. In 1982, he was elected to Congress representing what was then the first congressional district of Arizona. John McCain is the Republican candidate in the 2008 Presidential election. You can learn more about him at JohnMcCain.com.

Mendoza, Ria
Ria Mendoza is an investigative report for Arabian Woman magazine, which published online and in print.
Miller, D. Patrick
Editor and publisher at Fearless Books
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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Art Fennell Reports
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
<Photos and Video>
CNN/fn: Your Money
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<See all Television Interviews>

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