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Harrison, Tammy
Tammy Harrison is the mother of four, and the Independent Creative Representative of Home-Based Working Moms. She can be reached via email at CreativeRep@hbwm.com.
Eric Haubrich Haubrich, Eric
Erich writes for Focus Publications. He comes directly from the mortgage industry where he has more than 6 years experience working in all levels of production working closely with Title, Real Estate and Mortgage professionals and possesses a solid understanding of  their marketing and technology needs. Additionally, Erich has a broad scope of experience in the publishing, web development and IT fields, having produced magazines and commercial websites and managed large-scale IT projects. Email: erich@focuspub.com.
Cindy Hockenberry Hockenberry, Cindy
Cindy Hockenberry is the Information Coordinator for the National Association of Tax Professionals. The National Association of Tax Professionals (NATP), founded in 1979, is a nonprofit professional association dedicated to excellence in taxation.  NATP was formed to serve professionals who work in all areas of tax practice. Click here to learn more about NATP, or click here to find a tax professional in your area.
Michael Hudson Hudson, Michael
Michael Hudson, Ph.D., known as The Everyday Leadership Authority(tm), is the founder and principal of the Everyday Leadership Network--an organization devoted to developing leaders of growing businesses, non-profits, and government agencies. Visit EverydayLeader.com for information about Michael's keynotes, seminars, and workshops, and to sign up for his biweekly ezine, The Everyday Leader!
Mary Hunt Hunt, Mary
Mary Hunt is a national columnist and author Mary Hunt's Debt-Proof Living and Cheapskate Monthly
Hupalo, Peter
Editor and publisher of Entrepreneur Books.
Internal Revenue Service,
Taxing authority for the United States of America.
Sheriff Ken Jenne Jenne, Sheriff Ken

From coast to coast, law enforcement has been seeing an increase in violent crime on our streets--and it is becoming a dangerous trend. While Broward has not traveled as far down the road as other communities, I am concerned we may be heading in that direction. Instead of waiting to see what happens, we are taking action to prevent the trend now. More from the sheriff at Sheriff.org

Stacy Johnson Johnson, Stacy
Stacy Johnson, creator of MoneyTalksNews.com, became a TV journalist 20 years ago after first earning licenses as a CPA, stock broker, commodities broker, options principal, real estate agent and life insurance agent. He's written and produced close to three thousand consumer news stories, and have written two Ballantine books, Life or Debt and Money Made Simple.
Andy Jolls Jolls, Andy
Andy Jolls is the CEO and founder of VideoCreditScore.com. With topics that range from the Credit Score 101 to tips on Identity Theft, VideoCreditScore.com provides a simple way to learn about a complex subject. An alternative to reading volumes of pages in books or on the web, consumers can simply access short segment videos whenever and wherever they want.
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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Art Fennell Reports
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
<Photos and Video>
CNN/fn: Your Money
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