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List of all DebtSmart featured authors
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Damien DelRusso DelRusso, Damien
Damien DelRusso runs Chabah.com. Or email him at damien@chabah.com.
Gerri Detweiler Detweiler, Gerri
A consumer educator and advocate, Gerri Detweiler has been helping Americans solve their credit problems for more than a decade. She is the author of The Ultimate Credit Handbook (Plume, 1993, revised 2003), which was featured in Money magazine as one of the five best new personal finance books of the year when released. You can reach Gerri by visiting her web site or listening to her radio show.
Doris Dobkins Dobkins, Doris
Doris Dobkins is the publisher of $mart Money New$. You can subscribe by visiting her web site at CreativeFinances.com
Jim Donovan Donovan, Jim
Jim is a frequent and critically acclaimed speaker to businesses, trade groups and associations, and his seminars and workshops have benefited hundreds of audiences nationwide, including banks, medical practices, accounting firms, small business groups, chambers of commerce,  government employees, network marketing companies, high school and college students, Rotary Clubs, Kiwanis Clubs, Chambers of Commerce, and many others. Visit his website at http://www.jimdonovan.com/index.html
Alyice Edrich Edrich, Alyice
Alyice is the author of Build Upon A Firm Foundation: Financial Help With A Biblical Twist, and the editor of a national publication for BUSY parents. Subscribe to her free e-newsletter to win a free book!
Mark Enderle Enderle, Mark

Mark Enderle is owner of Preferred Credit Solutions and founder of Improve-Your-Credit-Score-Now.com. Mark provides personalized credit education and advice to consumers who wish to understand everything on their credit reports, how these items affect their credit scores, and what specific steps to take to improve their credit scores as quickly as possible.

FBI, The
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the investigative arm of the US Department of Justice. The FBI's investigative authority can be found in Title 28, Section 533 of the US Code. Additionally, there are other statutes, such as the Congressional Assassination, Kidnapping, and Assault Act (Title 18, US Code, Section 351), which give the FBI responsibility to investigate specific crimes.
Fair, Isaac and Company, Inc.,
Fair Isaac Corporation provides analytic, software, and data management products and services that enable businesses to automate decisions primarily in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.
(FHA) Federal Housing Administration Federal Housing Administration, (FHA)

The Federal Housing Administration, generally known as "FHA", provides mortgage insurance on loans made by FHA-approved lenders throughout the United States and its territories. FHA insures mortgages on single family, multifamily, manufactured homes and hospitals. It is the largest insurer of mortgages in the world; insuring over 34 million properties since its inception in 1934. Online at FHA.gov

Federal Reserve, NY
Working within the Federal Reserve System, the New York Fed implements monetary policy, supervises and regulates financial institutions and helps maintain the nation's payment systems.
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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Art Fennell Reports
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
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CNN/fn: Your Money
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