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Articles about "Surveys and Results"
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Survey Results: Can Money Buy Happiness?
by Scott Bilker
You hear it all the time, "Money can't buy happiness," but I'm not convinced. I know a family that won $1 million in the lottery. They were unhappy and cranky prior to winning. After they won, they looked 10 years younger and were much happier and nicer. I wonder what you think. Please let everyone know your feelings by taking this survey.
Survey Results: Financial Compatibilty Test
by Scott Bilker
It is well known that money is the #1 reason for divorce! Money is very important in your relationship. It's the blood that flows through the financial veins of the family. If there is a problem with its flow, everyone in the family will suffer! Take this test with your spouse/partner to see how compatible your philosophies and monetary strategies are when dealing with money and debt!
Survey Results: "Love" the Banks
by Scott Bilker
Boy, the banks are going to love me for this; too bad they won't be sending me a check! Love 'em, hate 'em, it's the same old story.
Survey Results: "Hate" the Banks
by Scott Bilker
When you are forced into debt, the credit card banks are right there to take advantage of us! I've had enough! I'm sure you have too, so please tell me your story in the survey.
Survey Results: Family Vacation
by Scott Bilker
That's $633.19 for 5 people, for 4 days. This works out to be $31.66 per person, per day ($633.19 divided by 4 days, divided by 5 people). Please let me know what you think about the cost of this vacation, and this article, by taking the survey--thank you!
Survey Results: Chase Bank Tries to Pull a Fast One
by Scott Bilker
Last email newsletter I recounted my experience of handling Chase Bank when they attempted to deceive me. Many DebtSmart readers voiced their opinion about the article and the Chase letter. You'll certainly want to hear from those who agree and disagree, plus add your comments to my article or comment about other people's responses!
Survey Results: Financial Education
by Scott Bilker
Do you think that a mandatory personal-finance/money-management course in high school would have helped your financial life and skills today?
Survey Results: Credit Card Offers
by Scott Bilker
How many credit offers did you receive in the mail today? It's the start of the New Year and the credit card banks are getting ready to steal your business from each other. We are going to benefit from this competition!
Survey Results: New Year's Resolution
by Scott Bilker
This is the final issue of 2001 and with that I want to ask everyone about their New Year's Resolutions. Do you make them? What are they? Please let me know your aspirations for 2002 by taking the survey.
Survey Results: Holiday Shopping
by Scott Bilker
Did you go on a summer vacation this year? How much did you spend on vacation? Is the amount you spent on your summer vacation more or less than you initially planned on spending?
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
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CNN/fn: Your Money
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