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Articles about "Surveys and Results"
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Survey: "Sucess Is..."
by Scott Bilker
Add your motivational quote to DebtSmartŪ by completing this sentence: "Success is..."
Survey Results: Are you Organized?
by Scott Bilker
Are you organized? I am with some stuff, like the finances, but in other areas I need to improve (like the garage). Being organized is surely the key to success in any undertaking so I wonder just how organized we think we are...
Survey: Worst Buying Decisions
by Scott Bilker
Best Buying Decisions I'm frequently asked about "good debt" and "bad debt." Actually, there's no such animal. There is simply DEBT. There are however, good buying decisions and bad buying decisions. Buying your home is probably a good buying decision. Buying a new Audi Mazzerat, for people with an average income, is probably a bad buying decision.
Survey Results: Lending to Friends
by Scott Bilker
This is always such a tough call. What do you do when your friends ask for money? If they don't repay are you angry about losing the cash or the trust you had in your friend's promise?
Survey: "Life is too short..."
by Scott Bilker
We have all been working on saving money, planning for the future, and becoming debt free. All these goals should be our focus however, I believe, as I'm sure you do, it's just as important to be grateful for what we do have and realize that: "Life is too Short too..."
Survey: Questions To Ask Yourself Before Spending
by Scott Bilker
I don't like to tell people how to spend their money. My goal is to help them be financially efficient by being DebtSmart. However, a major component of saving money is cutting spending in specific budget categories. A simple way to help cut spending is to ask yourself some questions prior to every purchase.
Survey Results: Personal Budgets
by Scott Bilker
Fixing debt and spending problems first requires knowing where they exist. To know that involves tracking spending, setting goals, and being very organized. How organized are you?
Survey Results: Who Really Pays the Bills Commentary Survey Results: Who Really Pays the Bills Commentary
by Scott Bilker
Thank you for making last issue's survey such a success! As usual, you all teach me so much about how families deal with finances. I can always depend on your comments and I do appreciate that!
Survey Results: Who Pays the Bills Survey Results: Who Pays the Bills
by Scott Bilker
I hear from my friends that their wives or girlfriends are the ones that handle the household finances; that actually pay the bills. However, I'm not so sure that can be generalized to the average household so I'm going to need your help to find out who really handles the household finances.
Survey Results: The Rich; Love'em, Hate'em
by Scott Bilker
Every day you hear about another CEO that's made millions while sticking it to the little guy (or gal). They make millions while we owe millions. Is it fair? But what about the people that worked hard to get their wealth? The people that sacrificed years of their life to accumulate wealth and live the American-dream. Do they deserve it? Should they have to give it back?
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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Art Fennell Reports
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
<Photos and Video>
CNN: American Morning
<Photos and Video>
ABC: Action News
<Photos and Video>
CNN/fn: Your Money
<Photos and Video>
<See all Television Interviews>

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