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Articles about "Question and Answer"
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Friendship Loan Friendship Loan
by Gary Foreman
Dear Dollar Stretcher, I would like to provide a loan to a friend from my 401k plan. What are the rules? How do I go about making this type of transaction? What are the guidelines for re-payment?
Frightening Future Frightening Future
by Gary Foreman
War is on the horizon. What should we do to prepare ourselves? I was a young teenager during most of Vietnam and I didn't have to make the financial decisions for my family. What do I need to know in order to plan for this frightening future?
Car Dealers Car Dealers
by Scott Bilker
I know that you have used these examples to help people learn and to be aware but you have also just made every car dealer in the country a crook.
Single Parent Homeowner Single Parent Homeowner
by Gary Foreman
I am in the process of a divorce and want to keep the family home. Are there any programs out there for single parents that would offer a more favorable interest rate for re-financing?
Auto Lease Auto Lease
by Gary Foreman
I would like some advice on how to sell, trade-in or otherwise get rid of a car. The lease is up in 2004. The last car dealer I spoke to told me that I needed to wait for the lease to be up in order to trade down. He said...
Scott, you have too many credit cards! Scott, you have too many credit cards!
by Scott Bilker
I read your article in which you state that you have 80 or so credit cards. I'm not sure why this is advantageous. I have cancelled all but one card which I pay in full each month and by no means see my "options" (to get into debt, I guess) as being restricted.
College Credit College Credit
by Gary Foreman
Dear Dollar Stretcher, I just finished reading another article about credit card offers to college students that likened credit card company representatives to drug pushers and I agree. Is there no way to make the credit card companies responsible for the unreasonable risks they accept when they offer credit to college students?
Almost Retired Planning Almost Retired Planning
by Gary Foreman
Dear Gary, I am 53 and my husband is 60. It is unfortunate that both our careers were in industries that either made no provisions for retirement or went bankrupt leaving behind very small pensions.
Saving for a down payment Saving for a down payment
by Scott Bilker
How do you save money to buy a home when you are swamped with credit card bills that just seem to suck every last bit of savings?
Savings or Debt Reduction First? Savings or Debt Reduction First?
by Gary Foreman
When planning a budget should I use extra money to pay off credit card debt? Or should it go in a savings account?
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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Art Fennell Reports
<Photos and Video>
CNN: CNN Newsroom
<Photos and Video>
CNN: American Morning
<Photos and Video>
ABC: Action News
<Photos and Video>
CNN/fn: Your Money
<Photos and Video>
<See all Television Interviews>

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