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Articles about "Household Math"
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Consumer Spending Quiz Consumer Spending Quiz
by Richard Crammer
Have you ever wondered if what you spend on food is higher than the average family? How about how much you spend on housing, clothing, or entertainment? The Bureau of Labor Statistics annually reports the spending habits of consumers in the US. Most of the answers from this quiz were taken from this report. So, if you are curious about how much you spend compared to the national average take the quiz.
Household Math™: Mortgage Savings Household Math™: Mortgage Savings
by Scott Bilker
You have a 30-year, 7% APR, $150,000 mortgage. You know that you're going to pay back far more than $150,000 in that 30-year period and you want to save money. You decide that you want to save 50% of the total money repaid under the 30-year terms. The question is, how much more, by percent, do you have to increase your current monthly payment to save 50% on the overall payments compared to the original mortgage?
Household Math™: Car Insurance Payments vs. Credit Card Offer Household Math™: Car Insurance Payments vs. Credit Card Offer
by Scott Bilker
Your auto insurance bill arrives; it's $600.00 for 6 months of coverage, ugh. Luckily, to make paying easier, they give you the option of spreading this out over 3 monthly payments. The catch is...
Household Math™: Car Per Hour Household Math™: Car Per Hour
by Scott Bilker
Janice has finally received her driver's license! She's a happy camper! Now it's time to get the car and go places with her friends. She's pretty smart about money and know that she's going to need a decent job to support the car. How much per hour must she net just to pay for the car?
Household Math™: Pool House Rock Household Math™: Pool House Rock
by Scott Bilker
A swimming club has just opened right around the corner and the cost is $50 per month per person. Considering the known costs, is it less expensive to sign the kids up for the swimming club or use the pool?
Household Math™: Car Purchase vs. Car Repair Household Math™: Car Purchase vs. Car Repair
by Scott Bilker
After doing some research she finds only one car that she feels will meet the 50,000-mile requirement. The total price for that car is $3,000. Should she buy the used car or repair the transmission?
Household Math™: Auto Loan Rate Household Math™: Auto Loan Rate
by Scott Bilker
Mary Jane borrowed $9,200 to buy a used car. She made equal monthly payments for 3 years and that paid off the loan in full. After that time she added up how much she paid in total to the loan. She was surprised to find that 14.81% of the total amount she paid back over the course of 3 years were interest charges for the loan! What was Mary Jane's APR for this loan?
Household Math™: Early Mortgage Payoff Household Math™: Early Mortgage Payoff
by Scott Bilker
Assume a person is buying a $150,000 home at a rate of 7% interest on a 30-year loan, with the usual 20% down payment (so the loan would be $120,000). This person also has $20,000 in cash reserves. In which of these two scenarios would this person end up paying less money over the course of the loan?
Household Math™: Average Daily Balance Household Math™: Average Daily Balance
by Scott Bilker
On day 1 in the month your balance is $5,000. On day 15 your payment of $2,000 is credited to your balance. The number of days in the month is 31. What is your average daily balance?
Household Math™: Coupon Shopping Household Math™: Coupon Shopping
by Scott Bilker
You have two coupons for orange juice. One is for Minute Maid the other is for Tropicana. You like, and drink, both brands. The coupon for Minute Maid is for 2 half-gallon containers for $3. The coupon for Tropicana is $4.99 for a 96-ounce container. Which orange juice is the best deal? That is, which has the best price per unit volume? Hint: there are 128 fluid ounces in one gallon.
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