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Articles about "Frugality"
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Tech-savvy ways to shop smart and save money Tech-savvy ways to shop smart and save money
by Eric Haubrich
Regardless of your financial situation it always makes sense to stretch your hard earned dollar. Harnessing the technology you have at your fingertips makes saving much easier. There are a lot of ways to get the things you buy on a regular basis as well as major purchases at deep discounts with just a few clicks. Here are some of the best tools you’ll find to shop smart and save money on all kinds of products and services.
Feeding a Family for $300 a month? Feeding a Family for $300 a month?
by Tawara Kellam
I do something that most people think they can't do today. I feed my family of 5 for $300 a month. Most people say that's an impossible feat, but what boggles minds even more is that I do it without using coupons. How do I do it? First, I use what I have. If I don't have milk in the house, I don't make a special trip to the store for it.
7 household budgeting tips 7 household budgeting tips
by S. L. Simmons
Do you frequently get cash from ATMs and then have no idea where it ends up? Do you end up paying late fees simply because you don't have a good system in place for tracking and paying your bills? If you don't have a good budget system in place, it is easy to lose track of your hard earned money. The tips below can help you to keep your finances under control.
Valentine's Day On A Dime Valentine's Day On A Dime
by Tawara Kellam
Using a little imagination, you can make your Valentine’s day a little more fun and a lot less expensive. If you want to add a little personalized romance or if you don’t have the time or money to buy all the pre-made things in the store, here are some ideas from livingonadime.com to help you make the day special.
The Ultimate Cheapskate The Ultimate Cheapskate
by Matt Lauer
Jeff Yeager is the ultimate cheapskate, and the author of, The Ultimate Cheapskate's Road Map to True Riches: A Practical (and Fun) Guide to Enjoying Life More by Spending Less. Jeff is quite an incredible guy. He knows how to cut back on spending--bigtime! To save money he'll filch almost anything, even airline barf bags.
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NBC 10 News:
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CNN/fn: Your Money
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