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DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 9/6/06
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; Cheapest pre-paid phone rates; Credit card balance transfers; Scott Bilker's MySpace Page; DebtSmart Amazon aStore; More credit card and debt statistics; Blue Cash® for Business Credit Card; "A Ray of Sunshine"; Discover® Business Card; Household Math™: Dinner before the tip; Blue from American Express®; Discover® Platinum Wildlife Card; Stop Debt Collectors Cold!; The Credit Repair Kit plus bonus CD!; Rating Your Credit Card; Credit Cards Come to Vending Machines: Students and All Consumers Beware; More credit, more options!; Free DebtSmart® Column for in print publication, ezine, or web site; Books, software, in-print and downloads; Archive of Email Newsletters online; Advertising; Update-Subscribe-Unsubscribe-Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 8/23/06
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; Cheapest pre-paid phone rates; Lower your credit-card APR right now!; More credit card and debt statistics; Blue Cash® for Business Credit Card; "A Ray of Sunshine"; Discover® Business Card; Household Math™: What Happened to the Other Dollar?; Blue from American Express®; Discover® Platinum Wildlife Card; Stop Debt Collectors Cold!; The Credit Repair Kit plus bonus CD!; Inherited Debts?; More credit, more options!; Free DebtSmart® Column for in print publication, ezine, or web site; Books, software, in-print and downloads; Archive of Email Newsletters online; Advertising; Update-Subscribe-Unsubscribe-Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 8/9/06
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; Cheapest pre-paid phone rates; Weekly or monthly payments?; More credit card and debt statistics; Blue Cash® for Business Credit Card; "A Ray of Sunshine"; Discover® Platinum Gas Card; Household Math™: True Rate of Transfer Offer; Blue from American Express®; Discover® Platinum Wildlife Card; Stop Debt Collectors Cold!; No Bills! Complete Office Suite; Rating Your Credit Card; Deciphering Credit Card Fine Print--A Lesson in Futility?; More credit, more options!; Free DebtSmart® Column for in print publication, ezine, or web site; Books, software, in-print and downloads; Archive of Email Newsletters online; Advertising; Update-Subscribe-Unsubscribe-Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 7/26/06
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; Cheapest pre-paid phone rates; Fighting an Increasing Rate; More credit card and debt statistics; Blue Cash® for Business Credit Card; "I saved $1,334 per hour. It was so easy!"; Discover® Platinum Gas Card; Household Math™: What is APR?; Blue from American Express®; Discover® Platinum Wildlife Card; Stop Debt Collectors Cold!; Budgeting 101; More credit, more options!; Free DebtSmart® Column for in print publication, ezine, or web site; Books, software, in-print and downloads; Archive of Email Newsletters online; Advertising; Update-Subscribe-Unsubscribe-Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 7/12/06
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; Cheapest pre-paid phone rates; Advanced Cash-Advance Techniques; More credit card and debt statistics; Blue Cash® for Business Credit Card; "I saved $1,334 per hour. It was so easy!"; Discover® Platinum Gas Card; Household Math™: Future Savings; Blue from American Express®; Discover® Platinum Wildlife Card; Stop Debt Collectors Cold!; Using online credit card calculators as a personal finance tool; More credit, more options!; Free DebtSmart® Column for in print publication, ezine, or web site; Books, software, in-print and downloads; Archive of Email Newsletters online; Advertising; Update-Subscribe-Unsubscribe-Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 6/28/06
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; DebtSmart® Quick Coaching; Cheapest pre-paid phone rates; 10 financial questions you should ask yourself today!; More credit card and debt statistics; Blue Cash® for Business Credit Card; "I saved $1,334 per hour. It was so easy!"; Discover® Platinum Gas Card; Household Math™: Job Offers; Blue from American Express®; Discover® Platinum Wildlife Card; Stop Debt Collectors Cold!; Get motivated to get out of debt; More credit, more options!; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information; Free DebtSmart® Column for in print publication, ezine, or web site; Hire Scott Bilker to speak; Books, software, in-print and downloads; Archive of Email Newsletters online; Advertising; Update-Subscribe-Unsubscribe-Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 6/14/06
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; DebtSmart® Master Plan; Cheapest pre-paid phone rates; Which credit cards look better on your credit report?; More credit card and debt statistics; Blue Cash® for Business Credit Card; "Awesome results with your book!"; Discover® Platinum Gas Card; Household Math™: Timing is everything; Blue from American Express®; Discover® Platinum Wildlife Card; Stop Debt Collectors Cold!; Rating Your Credit Card; Cash advance pitfalls; More credit, more options!; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information; Free DebtSmart® Column for in print publication, ezine, or web site; Hire Scott Bilker to speak; Books, software, in-print and downloads; Archive of Email Newsletters online; Advertising; Update-Subscribe-Unsubscribe-Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 5/31/06
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool quote; DebtSmart® recommended money-saving products and services; How do you want to live?; "Awesome results with your book!"; Quick Tips for Saving Money on Groceries; Credit and Debt Statistics Database: Appetite for Debt; Stop Debt Collectors Cold; Bad Customer Service; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information; DebtSmart® Resources
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 5/17/06
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Cool Quote; Credit and Debt Statistics Database; Letter from the publisher; Cash advance suicide; "Awesome results with your book!"; Household Math™: Pool House Rock; 10 Reasons People Overspend; More credit, more options; DebtSmart® Master Plan; Are you paying tony the tiger's salary?; Stop Debt Collectors Cold!; How to get your children "brand free"; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information; Free DebtSmart® Column for in print publication, ezine, or web site; Hire Scott Bilker to speak; Advertising
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 5/3/06
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Cool Quote; Credit and Debt Statistics Database; Letter from the publisher; 14 ways to handle your debts; "I saved $1,334 per hour. It was so easy!"; Household Math™: Insurance With A Credit Card?; Mortgage Telemarketing--A Personal Story; More credit, more options; DebtSmart® Help Center; What About Ben Franklin?; Stop Debt Collectors Cold!; Having a baby means more credit card debt for some Americans; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information; Free DebtSmart® Column for in print publication, ezine, or web site; Hire Scott Bilker to speak; Advertising
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"The DebtSmart Email Newsletter is packed with cutting-edge strategies for solving credit problems. I highly recommend it."--Gerri Detweiler, radio host and author of The Ultimate Credit Handbook

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