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DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 6/13/07
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the Publisher; Cool Quote; DebtSmart® Recommended Products and Services; Good credit rating but too much debt for low rates; DebtSmart® Amazon aStore; Statistics: Senior Debt; "Happy to reverse the charges"; Household Math(tm): Timing is Everything; Stop Debt Collectors Cold!; Credit Secrets Bible; Painful Grocery Bill; More credit, more options!; Free DebtSmart® Column for in-print publication, ezine, or web site; Books, software, in-print and downloads; Archive of Email Newsletters online; Advertising; Update-Subscribe-Unsubscribe-Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 5/30/07
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the Publisher; Cool Quote; DebtSmart® Recommended Products and Services; Follow up to "Jenni the Bill Collector"; DebtSmart® Amazon aStore; Statistics: Huge Jump in Credit Card Debt; "I hadn't even asked yet...she just offered it!"; Household Math(tm): Biweekly Payments; Stop Debt Collectors Cold!; Credit Secrets Bible; Trimming the Fat From Your Budget; More credit, more options!; Free DebtSmart® Column for in-print publication, ezine, or web site; Books, software, in-print and downloads; Archive of Email Newsletters online; Advertising; Update-Subscribe-Unsubscribe-Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 5/16/07
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; DebtSmart® Recommended Products and Services; Jenni the Bill Collector; DebtSmart® Amazon aStore; Statistics: Huge Jump in Credit Card Debt; "I hadn't even asked yet...she just offered it!"; Household Math(tm): Future Savings; Stop Debt Collectors Cold!; Credit Secrets Bible; Gone in 4 Seconds!; More credit, more options!; Free DebtSmart® Column for in-print publication, ezine, or web site; Books, software, in-print and downloads; Archive of Email Newsletters online; Advertising; Update-Subscribe-Unsubscribe-Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 5/2/07
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; DebtSmart® Recommended Products and Services; 11 Easy Ways to Cut Your Spending Without Feeling It; DebtSmart® Amazon aStore; Statistics: Spending Confidence; "MUCH lower rates on my credit card"; Household Math™: Susan is loanly; Stop Debt Collectors Cold!; Credit Secrets Bible; How to Cancel PMI; More credit, more options!; Free DebtSmart® Column for in-print publication, ezine, or web site; Books, software, in-print and downloads; Archive of Email Newsletters online; Advertising; Update-Subscribe-Unsubscribe-Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 4/18/07
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; DebtSmart® Recommended Products and Services; Chronic Debtor Help!; DebtSmart® Amazon aStore; Statistics: Single-Parent Households; "MUCH lower rates on my credit card"; The TRUTH About Credit Repair; Household Math™: Pool House Rock; Stop Debt Collectors Cold!; Credit Secrets Bible; Taking Control of Your Kitchen; More credit, more options!; Free DebtSmart® Column for in-print publication, ezine, or web site; Books, software, in-print and downloads; Archive of Email Newsletters online; Advertising; Update-Subscribe-Unsubscribe-Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 4/4/07
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; DebtSmart® Recommended Products and Services; Effects of debt on obtaining a mortgage; DebtSmart® Amazon aStore; Subprime Home Loans; "That's $100.00 a month savings!"; Biweekly Mortgages: A Reader's Personal Story; Household Math™: Early Mortgage Payoff; Stop Debt Collectors Cold!; Credit Secrets Bible; Mortgage company overcharges Denver man $38,000; More credit, more options!; Free DebtSmart® Column for in-print publication, ezine, or web site; Books, software, in-print and downloads; Archive of Email Newsletters online; Advertising; Update-Subscribe-Unsubscribe-Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 3/21/07
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; DebtSmart® Recommended Products and Services; I've been gouged for $99! Are bank charges negotiable?; DebtSmart® Amazon aStore; Household Debt Not So Bad; "That's $107.00 a month saving for 4 months!"; Is your credit score costing you a fortune?; Household Math™: Cash Flow; Stop Debt Collectors Cold!; Credit Secrets Bible; How Do You Want To Live?; More credit, more options!; Free DebtSmart® Column for in-print publication, ezine, or web site; Books, software, in-print and downloads; Archive of Email Newsletters online; Advertising; Update-Subscribe-Unsubscribe-Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 3/7/07
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; DebtSmart® Recommended Products and Services; Where did that fee come from?; DebtSmart® Amazon aStore; Identity Theft by State; "That's $107.00 a month saving for 4 months!"; Credit Secrets Bible; Household Math™: Fast Pay Mortgage; Stop Debt Collectors Cold!; The Credit Repair Kit plus bonus CD!; Cleaning House: Improving and Removing Debt; More credit, more options!; Free DebtSmart® Column for in-print publication, ezine, or web site; Books, software, in-print and downloads; Archive of Email Newsletters online; Advertising; Update-Subscribe-Unsubscribe-Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 2/21/07
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; DebtSmart® Recommended Products and Services; What do I do with my money now?; DebtSmart® Amazon aStore; More credit card and debt statistics; "That's $107.00 a month saving for 4 months!"; The Three Little Pigs: Your Child and Money; Household Math™: Minimum Payment; Stop Debt Collectors Cold!; The Credit Repair Kit plus bonus CD!; Kicking the Worry Habit; More credit, more options!; Free DebtSmart® Column for in-print publication, ezine, or web site; Books, software, in-print and downloads; Archive of Email Newsletters online; Advertising; Update-Subscribe-Unsubscribe-Disclaimer Information
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 2/7/07
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; DebtSmart® Recommended Products and Services; How I Made an Easy $1,800 Profit with My Credit Cards; DebtSmart® Amazon aStore; More credit card and debt statistics; "Thank you for saving my sanity" and other reader comments...; Coping with Financial Stress; Household Math™: Cell Phone Plans; Stop Debt Collectors Cold!; The Credit Repair Kit plus bonus CD!; The Valentine's Day Challenge; More credit, more options!; Free DebtSmart® Column for in-print publication, ezine, or web site; Books, software, in-print and downloads; Archive of Email Newsletters online; Advertising; Update-Subscribe-Unsubscribe-Disclaimer Information
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"The DebtSmart Email Newsletter is packed with cutting-edge strategies for solving credit problems. I highly recommend it."--Gerri Detweiler, radio host and author of The Ultimate Credit Handbook

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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
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CNN/fn: Your Money
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