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DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 12/24/08
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; Negotiation persistence saves $21,000; STATISTIC: Credit Card Use Drops; New Rules Requiring an Automated Voice or Keypress Opt-Out for Recorded Message Telemarketing Calls Take Effect 12/1/08; Fraud Alerts and Fraud Freezes; "My credit score is soaring"; Bad Credit Hotel; Household Math™: Timing Is Everything; Organize Your Children and Save Your Sanity; If Dad Can Do It Himself, Maybe He Shouldn't
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 12/10/08
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; Paying off debt is hard work; STATISTIC: Consumer Bankruptcy Filings Up; Emergency Economic Bailout Bill Extends Tax Breaks for Individuals ; "We the people..." of Debt; "Debt Settlement"; Why banks are boosting credit card interest rates and fees; Household Math™: Coupon Shopping; Dynamic Maps of Bank Card and Mortgage Delinquencies in the United States; Work-At-Home Jobs That Really Work!
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 11/26/08
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; Rate jacked-up to 21.99 percent; STATISTIC: Homes worth less than mortgage; You may have an unknown savings bond; You Cannot Afford To Say, "I Can't Afford It"; "Outraged and discouraged, I came across your website..."; Rise of the neo-hagglers; Household Math™: How Much House; Ending the Paperwork Nightmare; Americans look forward to a happy, but less plentiful, holiday season
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 11/12/08
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; I am horrified--they want to know what I am going to do with the money!; STATISTIC: Credit card direct mail is falling; Counseling seen as little help in bankruptcies ; Big Money Problems; "I can do this!"; Banks Using $700 Billion Bailout To Buy Other Banks, Not Make More Loans; Household Math™: Car Purchase vs. Car Repair; How to profit from cash-back credit cards; In This Economic Meltdown, Anything Goes: Allowing inmates to run the asylum
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 10/29/08
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; Student and credit cards; STATISTIC: Christmas Spending 2008; Credit squeeze literally hits home as card limits, equity lines pared ; I've never seen anything like it; "HELOC rated reduced by 0.76% with one call!"; Financial Crisis Answer Center; Household Math™: Average Daily Balance; Debt Collector Complaints Are On the Rise: Know Your Rights!; 4 Tips: Smart Money Moves for a Down Economy
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 10/15/08
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Letter from the publisher; Cool Quote; Thanks! And A Question About FICO Scores; STATISTIC: Borrowing Boom; READER COMMENT: "Double my reward..."; Women Head of Households; Yard Sale Etiquette; "That saves me 7% on one account and 5% on the other..."; Trusted Information; Card Issuers Tighten The Screws; Household Math™: Biweekly Payments; What's Your #1 Excuse?; Dealing With Debt That Refuses to Die
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 10/1/08
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Cool Quote; Second mortgage rate and APR; STATISTIC: Revolving Debtors; Trapped in Your Job: 5 Signs It's Time to Move On; Get motivated to get out of debt; "180,091 people saved money"; US travelers face credit snafu; Household Math™: Pizza Deals; The Bills Can Wait; The Key to Wedded Bliss? Money Matters
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 9/17/08
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Cool Quote; Paying back only 19 cents on the dollar; STATISTIC: Bankruptcy Filings 2008; 10 Things Millionaires Won't Tell You; Financial Independence; "I can do this!"; American Express sued over policy on gift cards; Household Math™: What is APR?; Money is a Family Affair; Credit-Card Rage
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 9/3/08
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Cool Quote; Living above my means for years--what now?; STATISTIC: Buying Used vs. New; 7 Things You Should Never Say to Customer Service; 3 Bank Deception Stories; "When Credit Card Companies Compete for Your Business--You Win!"; How to persuade customer service reps to help you; Household Math™: What does Jenna owe?; Should I declare bankruptcy?; Digging Out of Medical Debt
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 8/20/08
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
Cool Quote; Good credit rating but too much debt for low rates; STATISTIC: College students pay their bills; Study: Online banking possibly dicier than assumed; Loan Sharks; "Not sure were we would be..."; Little Ways to Save Big; Household Math™: LTV; 9 Steps to Unshakeable Confidence; America's Cheapest Cars
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"The DebtSmart Email Newsletter is packed with cutting-edge strategies for solving credit problems. I highly recommend it."--Gerri Detweiler, radio host and author of The Ultimate Credit Handbook

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