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Articles about "Credit Cards"
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Someone to Pay My Credit Card Bills? Someone to Pay My Credit Card Bills?
by Gary Foreman
It doesn't take a genius to notice that our financial circumstances have changed in the last few years. But, it does take some thought to recognize which strategies are still sound and which ones need to be changed. Today we're going to talk about one that may need to be changed depending on your circumstances.
Capital One, and other, banks’ tactics that might shock you Capital One, and other, banks’ tactics that might shock you
by Scott Bilker
I called myself to try and keep the account open and, for the most part, the banks are not agreeing. They tell me that, "these decisions are in response to the current credit crisis." Gee, I'm thinking that, "huh, the banks blew it to the tune of $300 billion because of bad decision making and now, they're next move is to close the accounts of they're profitable, and potentially profitable customers." Yeah, that's a good move--duh! What are they thinking! Talk about cutting your nose off.
Debt smart credit card rules adopted by federal regulators Debt smart credit card rules adopted by federal regulators
by Scott Bilker
I can't believe it! It appears that we consumers have received a major holiday gift this season.Government regulators adopted sweeping new rules for the credit card industry. Finally, rules that protect consumers! This is certainly a time for celebration, because it's the first time in decades that consumers have received protection from some of the most terrible practices of these banks. I am excited, however, these rules don't go into effect until July 2010. My only fear is that the banks will figure out a way to get around these changes by that time.
Dynamic Maps of Bank Card and Mortgage Delinquencies in the United States Dynamic Maps of Bank Card and Mortgage Delinquencies in the United States
by NY Federal Reserve
What are the delinquency rates of credit card and mortgages? You may be surprised to find out the facts.Use this interactive map to see what the delinquency rates are in your state--even in your county!
Rate jacked-up to 21.99 percent Rate jacked-up to 21.99 percent
by Scott Bilker
Last week my Bank of America American Express card took a major rate increase. I had a fixed 7.99% rate which I enjoyed for two years. I carried a high balance on this card because I purchased a nice motorcycle with it two years ago. My rate went from 7.99% up to 21.99%. No late payments to them or anybody else.
How to profit from cash-back credit cards How to profit from cash-back credit cards
by Curtis Arnold
A little extra cash in your pocket sounds wonderful, doesn't it? Maybe you could use it for a nice dinner out on your birthday, a movie night out with that special someone, a rainy-day shopping spree, college savings for you or your child, or even a way to help pay down your debt. For all these reasons, and thousands of others you can imagine, a cash-back credit card might be the perfect fit for your wallet.
Debt Collector Complaints Are On the Rise: Know Your Rights! Debt Collector Complaints Are On the Rise: Know Your Rights!
by Gerri Detweiler
With the ongoing credit crisis, a lot of people are getting calls from debt collectors. Most of these collectors are merely trying to do their job, but there are some among them who are so money-hungry (in many cases motivated by bonuses and commissions) that they will go so far as to violate the regulations of the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. As a result, complaints against debt collectors are on the increase according to the Better Business Bureau and federal regulators. The FTC reported that it received more complaints I 2007 about debt collectors than in reference to any other industry. These are the top complaints received about debt collectors by the FTC in 2007...
Paying back only 19 cents on the dollar Paying back only 19 cents on the dollar
by Scott Bilker
I’ve helped people do these negotiations and I’ve help teach other how to do it themselves. Nothing makes my day more than receiving the success stories of those that have read my book and saving a bundle on their own! This one is great…
3 Bank Deception Stories 3 Bank Deception Stories
by Scott Bilker
Below are three stories of bank deceptions submitted by email newsletter readers. Thanks to all for your feedback about my Chase story. However, keep in mind that we need to use the banks against each other. That means you don’t want to close your accounts. Transferring your balances is the best revenge!
Barack Obama talks about credit cards Barack Obama talks about credit cards
by Barack Obama
It’s getting close to the time we have to choose a new President. How they plan to deal with credit card banks and their lending practices needs to be part of their platform. Here is Barack Obama continued his Change that Works for You tour, talking about predatory lending, in Chicago IL.
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