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Articles about "Credit Cards"
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Establishing Credit Establishing Credit
by Gary Foreman
My 20 year old son will soon need to buy a car but he has no credit...
Credit Surfing Saves You Money Credit Surfing Saves You Money
by Scott Bilker
How much do you really save by transferring balances from one card to another? Is "credit surfing" worth the trouble? Let's take a look at how much you would save...
Getting Better, Cheaper Credit-Right Now! Getting Better, Cheaper Credit-Right Now!
by Scott Bilker
How much you save when taking advantage of bank offers plus list of banks that accept online applications.
Lower the Interest Rate Lower the Interest Rate
by Scott Bilker
I currently owe close to $5,000 on the card, thanks to having needed home repairs and a child in college, and have had an interest rate reduction from 21.9% to 18.9%. My minimum payment is $117.00 but I pay $150.00 each month. I tried to get them to lower the rate even more but they refused, saying that they couldn't. I've applied for even lower-rated cards but because the bankruptcy is still on my credit report I've had no luck. Any suggestions...
Payment Order Payment Order
by Scott Bilker
Should I repay the highest interest card off first, or should I repay the lowest interest card off first and transfer the balance from the higher interest card?
Lower Rate Card Lower Rate Card
by Scott Bilker
In the past I have had some late payments on bills. Is there any hope that someone will give me a lower interest rate on my credit cards. HELP!!!!!
Rate Changes Rate Changes
by Scott Bilker
The bank gave me a fixed 9.99 rate, then it changed the rate to a variable 14.99...
Credit Reports Credit Reports
by Scott Bilker
I am paying off 7,500 dollars of debt soon. When should I ask for my credit reports?
Fearless Books review of Fearless Books review of "Credit Card and Debt Management"
by D. Patrick Miller
Like thousands of small business entrepreneurs, I went to my local bank for a start-up loan when I decided to become an independent publisher. Like many of those same entrepreneurs, I got the cold shoulder when it came to financing an enterprise that had passion rather than profit as a central motivation.
Lower your credit-card APR right now! Lower your credit-card APR right now!
by Scott Bilker
When was the last time you took a look at your credit card APR (Annual Percentage Rate)? What do you do if you discover that you are paying too much for your loans? Well, quite simply, make the bank lower your rate. Sound impossible? More than half of the time I've been able to make my banks lower their interest rates. The trick is to have the right deal-breaker.
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NBC 10 News:
Money King Secrets
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CNN: CNN Newsroom
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CNN: American Morning
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ABC: Action News
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CNN/fn: Your Money
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