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Articles about "Credit Cards"
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Affording a First Home Affording a First Home
by Gary Foreman
Gary, Can you help me? My husband and I would like to buy our own home to live in. How do we know if we can afford one or not? Thanks, Donna
by Lawyers.com
New Survey from lawyers.com reveals Americans taking few measures to reduce Credit Card Debt.
Terry Rigg's review of Terry Rigg's review of "Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt" by Scott Bilker
by Terry Rigg
I give this book my full recommendation! I've never seen a more detailed how-to book. If you have a credit card, you need this book!
10 Credit Myths 10 Credit Myths
by Scott Bilker
As they say, "Knowledge is power." Many times people either act on false information or fail to act because they didn't know what could be done to their benefit. This is the case in many areas in life, but on the top of that list is money. And in the money category you will find lots of misinformation about credit. There is so much to talk about on the topic of credit myth that an entire book could be dedicated to it.
Entrepreneur Books' review of Entrepreneur Books' review of "Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt"
by Peter Hupalo
Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt: Phone Calls To Banks That Saved More Than $43,000 In Interest Charges and Fees! by consumer-advocate Scott Bilker shows people how to negotiate with credit card companies to reduce or eliminate fees, lower interest rates, and deal with credit card disputes and billing errors.
Fearless Books review of Fearless Books review of "Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt"
by D. Patrick Miller
Despite the exhortations of finance counselors everywhere, substantial credit card debt is a fact of life for millions of people. And for some micro-businesses, it is the most viable form of continuous financing.
Advanced Cash-Advance Techniques Advanced Cash-Advance Techniques
by Scott Bilker
I have a 0% interest card and plenty of balance so it seems like a good idea. Problem is the seller is a private party. Obviously I can't use a convenience check or a cash advance or I'll blow the interest strategy. Is there a way to pay a private party so that it appears as a purchase on the card and not an advance? I have checked out PayPal but I'm not sure the seller is Internet active.
Tricky Insurance Pays Off Tricky Insurance Pays Off
by Scott Bilker
I found out after renewing a credit card that I had been paying for insurance that I wasn't aware of. This insurance would pay benefits in case I died or became disabled. I had the card since 1997 and became disabled in 1998 (Parkinson's). I called a credit card rep and she advised me to put in a claim. She also stated if there were any other balances to transfer I could transfer them and clear them up also.
Household Math™: Home Equity vs. Credit Card Household Math™: Home Equity vs. Credit Card
by Scott Bilker
Donna and Kyle need $10,000 to remodel their kitchen. They will be able to repay this in 12 months. Donna gets an offer on her credit card of 0% for 12 months with a $10,000 max and no fees. Kyle's college buddy Vinnie, is a mortgage broker and tells Kyle that he can get him a home equity line of credit at the Prime rate, currently 4.25%, with no application charges or other fees. Kyle tells Vinnie that his wife has a 0% credit card offer and asks him which is better. Vinnie says that in their case the home equity line will have full tax benefits, however they would remain in the same tax bracket. Which option is better? The 0% credit card deal or the home-equity line of credit?
So Far In Debt; Can't Seem To Breathe So Far In Debt; Can't Seem To Breathe
by Scott Bilker
Help please! I am so far in debt and can't seem to breathe. I have 6 credit cards and I am $25,000 in debt. I know you hear this all the time, I have been paying for over 2 years not charging anything and still can't get anywhere. I cut them 2 years ago, and called the companies to ask for a lower rate. They gave me like a year with low interest, and lower payments so my credit reports would not be hurt.
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