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Articles about "Automobiles"
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Paying off debt is hard work Paying off debt is hard work
by Scott Bilker
Scott, Your advice on several topics lately has been about moving around debt to produce the lowest APR or the most savings to consumers. However, it does not cover anything about the hard work of actually paying off the debt. The point of this website should be to pay of your debt and not just pushing it around from one account to another. Joseph
Household Math™: Sale or gas savings? Household Math™: Sale or gas savings?
by Scott Bilker
How much are you really saving to be there for that sale? This is a true situation at our house. My wife drives a Dodge Ram, it gets 12 mpg (miles per gallon). Gas in our area is $2.45 per gallon. The mall is 18 miles each away. If she cuts back and only goes to the mall once a week, instead of twice a week, how much would she save in one year? (Steve, DebtSmart Reader, submitted this question.)
Used Car Buying Tips Used Car Buying Tips
by ABC News
Buying a used car is almost always a difficult experience. You need to do plenty of research to be sure you're getting a good deal; you need to negotiate prices; you need to find the best financing, and so much more. Here are a few great tips to make that job a little easier.
Household Math™: Working for Gas Household Math™: Working for Gas
by Scott Bilker
You work full time. That's five days per week (8 hours per day). The commute to work is 100 miles (round trip) each day. You average 25 miles per gallon. Fuel costs $4.05 per gallon. How much of your net hourly pay goes to fueling your car?
How To Identify A Good Auto Loan How To Identify A Good Auto Loan
by Ajeet Khurana
When you plan to buy a car you will first of course go in search for a specific model and later on you may think whether you can afford it. In such times you have to compromise on the model that you like and go for one that you can afford.
My Son's Auto Loan My Son's Auto Loan
by Gary Foreman
Gary, I brought a car under my name for my son. After 4 months of payments now he says he can't afford it. There are 6 years on the car loan. Is there anything that can be done. I can't keep the car. I have a car loan myself. How do I get out of the loan? Donna
Pickup Payments Pickup Payments
by Scott Bilker
Mr. Bilker, I really enjoy reading your newsletter and have gotten several good tips from it. My problem is that I have a 2000 dodge pickup on which I owe about $13,000 on and it is only worth around $9,000. I am about halfway through a five-year loan and am paying $524.00 a month. I married recently and am having a baby soon so I need to find a way to either get rid of this pickup or lower the payments. What would you recommend? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you. Tracy
Lemon list helps consumers avoid a sour experience Lemon list helps consumers avoid a sour experience
by Craig Kimmel
We recommend for the prospective purchaser to "research, research, research" as the key to finding the right ride. As the second largest household investment, purchasing a car should be never be a rushed decision.
How are you buying a car with credit cards? How are you buying a car with credit cards?
by Scott Bilker
Scott, Mechanically, how are you completing the transaction? I've heard some dealerships don't accept credit card purchases (because of the CC discount?).
Fuel Efficient Vehicles Fuel Efficient Vehicles
by Kyle Busch
The hybrids cost about $5,000 above the all gasoline cars. The hybrids have most all of the components of a gasoline car plus the electrical components.
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