What About Ben Franklin?
by Doris Dobkins
I was reading a book to my kids this week called "The Value of Saving". It was the story of Benjamin Franklin. This story was a real inspiration to me about a thrifty and inventive person.
The Three Little Pigs: Your Child and Money
by Scott Danger
As a first-time parent, I wonder how I will handle many things. Lately, I've been thinking about how and when I will introduce my daughter to the concepts of money and saving and spending. As I was searching the Internet for more information on this topic, I found the following idea submitted by a reader on an investing web site. The concept is simple, but it teaches children about the benefits of saving and investing and spending in a simple and visual way.
General Credit Card Knowledge Quiz
by Scott Bilker
We all use credit everyday and it's important to know the basics of handling our debt to ensure that we're always getting the best deal. Take the quiz to check your personal plastic awareness level!
Inherited Debts?
by Gary Foreman
I've heard that when parents are in debt and they die the debts are left to the children to pay off. Is this true? My parents had gotten a divorce a few years ago. My mom is doing well because she is a saving queen. My dad had remarried two years ago. His wife does not work but loves to spend money. So now they have a $20,000 debt. If my father dies, his wife is responsible for the debt, right? What happens after she dies and there is still that debt? Also, what happens if she dies first, and then my father--who gets the debt?
Alice in Credit Card Land
by Dr. Sam Vaknin
Your credit card is stolen. You place a phone call to the number provided in your tourist guide or in the local daily press. You provide your details and you cancel your card. You block it. In a few minutes, it should be transferred to the stop-list available to the authorization centres worldwide. From that moment on, no thief will be able to fraudulently use your card. You can sigh in relief. The danger is over. But is it?
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 10/24/01
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Advertisers Cool Debt Statistic; DebtSmart Resources; Letter from the Publisher; Transfer Credit Card Balances Mortgage Telemarketing--A Personal Story Review of "Living Within Your Means"; by Terry Rigg Survey Holiday Gift Giving Ideas Inherited Debts? Alice in Credit Card Land; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
Transfer Credit Card Balances
by Scott Bilker
My husband and I filed for bankruptcy in 1995. Since then we have established good payment records with high interest credit card companies. I'm ready to drop them and transfer my balances to a lower interest rate card(s). I've had my existing accounts for several years (or more), plus we just bought a house, so I think we deserve better interest rates. I called my accounts personally, but they don't offer better rates, only a larger line of credit.
Mortgage Telemarketing--A Personal Story
by Jose Olivares
About an hour later, she calls and tells me she has "good news" for me. They can combine both loans at a great APR of 9.48%. Stunned by what this lady is telling me I paused and asked her to explain how exactly it was that she was coming up with this GREAT deal since I was paying 7.25%.
Holiday Gift Giving Ideas
by Gregory Thomas
It's that time of year again, time for traveling, decorating, holiday parties, family, friends, relatives and of course. . . . shopping. Before you spend your money on the latest, hottest, newest gadgets, take a look at these options that will really save you quite a pocketful.
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