Cleaning House: Improving and Removing Debt
by Damien DelRusso
Over the last year or so, I did a bit of financial reorganization. Without getting too far into the details, I'd like to recount the steps, as one or more may be helpful for others.
Entrepreneur Books' review of "Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt"
by Peter Hupalo
Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt: Phone Calls To Banks That Saved More Than $43,000 In Interest Charges and Fees! by consumer-advocate Scott Bilker shows people how to negotiate with credit card companies to reduce or eliminate fees, lower interest rates, and deal with credit card disputes and billing errors.
Fearless Books review of "Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt"
by D. Patrick Miller
Despite the exhortations of finance counselors everywhere, substantial credit card debt is a fact of life for millions of people. And for some micro-businesses, it is the most viable form of continuous financing.
VW And Audi Need to Put the Pedal to the Metal Regarding Ignition Coils
by Craig Kimmel
I have a 2001 Passat and have had to bring the car in three times due to my ignition coils shorting out. My car is still in the shop, as the dealer is waiting for parts. I know the VW had identified this problem, but is there anything I can do?
A Painful Grocery Bill
by Gary Foreman
My husband and I live alone. My mom comes over for dinner and breakfast 3 days a week, and I send her lunches for work 2 nights a week. We are spending over $400 a week for groceries. I am not buying extravagant things, and I really don't buy a lot of "junk" food. Where on earth are we going wrong? I see in the Tips section this week, a girl from Oklahoma says that she spent around $130 a month on groceries for herself and her husband?!?! How?! What is she eating? If someone could explain this for me. I feel like we are beyond help.
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 3/26/03
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote; Letter from the Publisher; Credit Repair 11 Easy Ways to Cut Your Spending Without Feeling It; Household Math™: How Much Spending Survey Results: Cutting Spending vs. More Money A Painful Grocery Bill VW and Audi Need to Put the Pedal to the Metal Regarding Ignition Coils; DebtSmart Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
Household Math™: How Much Spending
by Scott Bilker
Jackie wanted to figure out how much money she actually spent this month. She looked at all the checks she wrote and her credit card spending. Jackie noted that she hadn't used her credit card for purchases. However, she did write a checks for: (1) $50 for cable TV; (2) $125 for groceries; (3) electric bill for $200; and (4) a minimum payment on her credit card of $80. How much did Jackie spend this month?
Advanced Cash-Advance Techniques
by Scott Bilker
I have a 0% interest card and plenty of balance so it seems like a good idea. Problem is the seller is a private party. Obviously I can't use a convenience check or a cash advance or I'll blow the interest strategy. Is there a way to pay a private party so that it appears as a purchase on the card and not an advance? I have checked out PayPal but I'm not sure the seller is Internet active.
Getting Your Act Together
by Doris Dobkins
If you want this to be the year where you finally straighten out your finances, read on. If your finances have been sinking you deeper and deeper into debt each month, here are some ideas to help you get your financial act together.
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 3/12/03
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote; Letter from the Publisher; DebtSmart® Download Debt Elimination Package; Advanced Cash-Advance Techniques; Household Math™: Fast Pay Mortgage; Survey: Cutting Spending vs. More Income Living On What's Left Getting Your Act Together; DebtSmart Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
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