10 Credit Myths
by Scott Bilker
As they say, "Knowledge is power." Many times people either act on false information or fail to act because they didn't know what could be done to their benefit. This is the case in many areas in life, but on the top of that list is money. And in the money category you will find lots of misinformation about credit. There is so much to talk about on the topic of credit myth that an entire book could be dedicated to it.
Ten Easy Ways to Get Extra Cash
by Doris Dobkins
Are you in debt? If so, then you may be struggling for extra cash to pay off your debts and this article was written for you. We'll list a few ideas here for you to get some extra money. Now just promise to spend that money on your debt and not at the mall!
Household Math™: Cash Flow
by Scott Bilker
Kim is trying to save $800 for tuition. She makes brings home $60 per week. Kim also has a total of $160 of out-of-pocket expenses each month. How many months will it take her to save the money needed for tuition?
How Much?
by Gary Foreman
I understand that 25% of my monthly income should be for mortgage, taxes and insurance. How much should I plan for the remainder of my budget? There are two of us in our household. Is there a set formula? Also, if I plan to retire in the next 5 years, should I be carrying a mortgage for the sake of a tax write off?
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 4/23/03
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote; Letter from the Publisher; Entrepreneur Books Review of "Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card Debt" 10 Credit Myths; Household Math™: Cash Flow How Much? Ten Easy Ways to Get Extra Cash; DebtSmart Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
No More Struggle: Seven Steps to Stay Out of Struggle and in the Flow of Success
by Michael Angier
Working diligently at something we're excited about doesn't seem all that hard. When we're confident that what we're doing matters and we're making noticeable progress, it rarely seems like hard work. Struggle, on the other hand, feels...
Household Math™: What Happened to the Other Dollar?
by Scott Bilker
Three men checked into a hotel room and were charged $30 for which they paid $10 each. The next day, the manager realized that the men had been overcharged since the real price is $25 for the room. The manager gave the bellhop $5 to return to the three men. On the way to their room the bellhop decided to keep $2 for himself so he wouldn't have to make change. The bellhop gave $1 to each man. The three men had now paid $9 each, or a total of $27. This, plus the $2 the bellhop kept for himself, makes a total of $29. What happened to the other dollar?
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 4/9/03
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote; Letter from the Publisher; Make Money With the DebtSmart® Affiliate Program Fearless Book's Review of "Talk Your Way Out Of Credit Card Debt" Taking Control of Your Kitchen; Household Math™: What Happened to the Other Dollar? Cleaning House: Improving and Removing Debt No More Struggle: Seven Steps to Stay Out of Struggle and in the Flow of Success; DebtSmart Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
Taking control of your kitchen
by Gregory Thomas
Those who keep a watchful eye on where their money is spent, have long conquered the kitchen woes. No last minute panic trips to the market. No longer needing the "give-the-kids-$20-for-fast-food" solution. This is no longer a problem or even a concern for the "Kitchen Master". You too can be a 'Master Of Your Kitchen'. All it takes is...
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Ultimate Credit Handbook