Winter Family Fun
by Shaunna Privratsky
Winter is here. An icy season of snowstorms, miserable wind and dangerous road conditions. Of course, I live in Fargo, North Dakota, the blizzard capitol of the United States.
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 2/11/04
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote; Letter from the Publisher; Buy 1 Book; Get All 3!; So Far in Debt; Can't Seem to Breathe; Household Math™: True Rate of Transfer Offer Cut Expenses by 20%; DebtSmart Help Center; Always Check Your Credit Report How Do You Get Over $7,000 in One Year not Working?; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
Penalty Rates
by Scott Bilker
Scott, My interest was raised to 28% after "a few" (honestly) late payments. They told me they would review my info in 6 months. Do you think I have a chance of getting them to lower my rate? --Paula
Budgeting when Your Paycheck Varies
by Terry Rigg
How can you decide how much you have for bills and expenses when your paycheck varies from one payday to the next? That's a question a lot of people struggle with.
How is Your Automotive Aptitude? Take the Car Quiz!
by Craig Kimmel
Buying a car can be both exciting and intimidating. You land on the lot, looking to get behind the wheel of the shiny new SUV, convertible, sedan, sportscar you had seen in the flashy TV commercial.
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 1/28/04
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote; Letter from the Publisher; Reader Tip Penalty Rates; Household Math™: Auto Loan Rates Budgeting when Your Paycheck Varies; DebtSmart Help Center; Always Check Your Credit Report How is Your Automotive Aptitude? Take the Car Quiz!; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
Don't Try to do More in 2004
by Michael Hudson
The holidays are quickly fading into memory and the New Year is now in full swing. No doubt you have returned to your disheveled workspace and your daily routine. Perhaps you've even tackled that resolution you made about getting organized and cleaning off your desk. But wait. Did you do it again this year? Did you create the list?
DebtSmart Email Newsletter: 1/14/04
by DebtSmart Email Newsletter
In This Issue; Cool Quote; Letter from the Publisher; Reader Review One day late; yeah right!; Household Math™: Choosing a Price Your 2004 New Year's Resolution--Save More Money!; DebtSmart Help Center; Always Check Your Credit Report Don't try to do more in 2004; DebtSmart® Resources; Subscribe/Disclaimer Information
Your 2004 New Year's Resolution--save more money!
by Gregory Thomas
Are you planning on a "New Year's Resolution" to start saving more money in 2004? Like any resolution, unless some action is taken on your part, nothing will ever change.
Household Math™: Holiday Spending
by Scott Bilker
Kim has decided to spend an average of $16 for gifts on each of her eight friends for the holidays. So far she's spent $17 on Scott, $14 on Ralph, $12 on Linda, $22 on Pete, $11 on Gary, and $20 on Grady. How much can she spend, on average, on her remaining two friends Mark and Tom?
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