10-Minute Tasks to Help You Save Money
by Nancy Twigg |
Nancy Twigg is a speaker and author who loves inspiring others to live more
simply. Adapted from Nancy’s newly revised book, Celebrate Simply: Your
Guide to Simpler, More Meaningful Holidays and Special Occasions (www.celebratesimply.com).
Visit Nancy online at www.countingthecost.com

Many people use the excuse that they
are too busy to make any extra effort to live frugally. But even
those of us who are the busiest can find an extra ten minutes here
and there if we look hard enough for it. Here are five quickie tasks
you can do anytime that will help you save money.
10-Minute Pantry Inventory--You know all those food items
that get pushed to the back of your pantry and never used?
Spend some time taking inventory of all the food items you
have in your pantry. Then think of creative ways to use those
items this week. You probably have several meals in your
pantry just waiting to be cooked. By cooking these meals
instead of buying more groceries, you will save money on this
week’s food bill.
10-Minute Coupon Organization--Even if you don’t clip
coupons for grocery shopping, you probably use them for health
and beauty products, going out to eat, haircuts, oil changes,
etc. Spend ten minutes organizing and going through your
coupons, throwing away those that have expired and pulling out
ones that will expire soon. The reason for this task is
obvious. You can’t save money with coupons if you can’t
find them when you need them or if you miss the expiration
10-Minute Medicine Cabinet Cleanup--How many times have you
bought cold medicine or cough drops only to find when you got
home that you already had plenty? Protect your family by
taking time to clean out any old and expired medicines. Then
take inventory of what is left so you won’t buy more of
something you already have.
10-Minute Closet Clearance--This one will save you both
time and money. Spend some time in sorting through your closet
and pulling out the clothes and shoes you don’t wear
anymore. While you’re at it, look for new combinations of
outfits using pieces you already have. By combining your
separates into different combinations, you’ll feel like you
have new outfits without actually buying anything new.
10-Minute Toy Sort--Take ten minutes to go through your
children’s playthings. Pull out those extra toys they won’t
even miss. Donate them to charity or save them for your next
yard sale. Pick out the toys they do enjoy but haven’t used
in a while. Put them up in the attic or on a high shelf. Next
time your kids are begging you to buy new toys, pull down some
of the forgotten toys. See if they don’t get just as excited
as if you had bought something new. |