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Reviews: “Credit Card and Debt Management”

Scott Bilker Scott Bilker is the founder of DebtSmart.com and author of the best-selling books, Talk Your Way Out of Credit Card DebtCredit Card and Debt Management, and How to be more Credit Card and Debt Smart. Receive the 5-Year Loan Spreadsheet when you subscribe to his email newsletter.

“I am very honored and pleased to take this time to write to you and thank you. One day I found your book in the library and found myself addicted to Credit Card and Debt Management. I use all of the formulas and tables in the back all of the time, and in doing so, have turned my bills around from paying them off in a matter of a couple years faster. Thank you for letting me not worry anymore.”

“I found it very easy to read and follow because I understood the format….In short, congratulations on putting together a very clear and easy to read and follow introduction ‘text book’ on Credit Management….Well done.” —Dave Mullins, Electronics Engineer

“I recommend this book, only if you want to become a master of your credit cards, not a slave to them…It is easy to read and very detailed and concise…It’s amazing the amount of time I will be able to save just filing away the bills faster using Bilker’s system.”—Sue Seppo, Staff Writer, theWhiz.com

“…gave me all the information that I was never able to find.”—James J. Burns, C.F.P. (Certified Financial Planner) host of The Extra Help Channel’s In the Money  

“You can work your way out of debt following the instructions carefully laid out by Scott Bilker.”—Dr. Bill Bailey, host of Talk America Radio’s It’s Your Money, heard nationally on more than 360 radio stations and on the Internet.  

“An excellent resource in gaining control of revolving debt.”—MONEYCLUB.com 

“Bilker’s most important contribution…is educating consumers on how to get the most for your money….His paperback book is a prudent first step to assessing debt and then stopping it.”—LM,HERO magazine

Credit Card and Debt Management shows how to…master the financial techniques and disciplines that will emancipate you from the stress of indebtedness for the rest of your life.”—REVIEWER’S BOOKWATCH 

“…you can be sure that if I recommend it, this book contains easy-to-understand and has fairly painless instructions for everything having to do with credit-card debt…”—Mary Hunt, National columnist and author Mary Hunt’s Debt-Proof Living and  Cheapskate Monthly 

“… excellent book to help people meet a very important need in their lives…”—Harry Hyde Jr., Managing Editor, VALLEY VOICE 

“This is the perfect book…”—REVIEWER’S BOOKWATCH 

“It’s AWESOME (Credit Card and Debt Management)! It’s my money management bible.”—Ann Marie Yorke, Bayville, NJ  

“…how refreshing it was for me to pick up a book and be able to grasp the concepts without taking 25 courses in higher finance.”—Carol F. Peck, Germantown, OH

“An excellent and informative work. It provides an easy-to-follow plan…The abundance of useful information make it (Credit Card and Debt Management) well worth the investment.”—Alan E. Cooke, Manager and Debt-Free Living instructor

Credit Card and Debt Management, by Scott Bilker, explains how to reduce debt, get the best credit card deals, determine true loan interest rates and calculate how much you can afford to borrow.”—INVESTORS PRESS

“…it’s smart, it’s got everything you need to know…easy to read, there are a million angles, and they’re all for real…”—Dorie Lenz, host of WPHL-TV’s (WB 17) Community Close Up 

“This book provides many good tips in using credit cards, including reorganizing personal debt, saving money on interest payments, understanding credit usage, and creating money management skills. It is a good source for young adults or others starting to understand debt.”—Lara Ceresko, Student at University of Texas at Austin

“I enjoyed reading your book very much… thanks to your helpful tips, I am able to transfer the remaining balance to my credit card after being able to increase its limit and lower the APR.”—Shannon, Amazon.com customer

“If you have debts today, you do need to manage them. And this book can help you accomplish that goal.”—Gary Foreman, THE DOLLAR STRETCHER

“Very good down-to-earth ideas. Very easy to follow—well thought out…liked the whole book. Gave me new ideas on how to use credit cards and manage home finances.”—Mark M. Hedge, Transportation Manager (KY)

“This is the most helpful and useful book I have ever come across.”—Dori Maccagnano, Teacher (NJ)

“…this book could be a big help to those experiencing a rather common burden.”—BOOKLIST(American Library Association)

“It (Credit Card and Debt Management) is easily understood-very helpful-it explains the parts I didn’t understand and couldn’t figure out for myself. It helped me calculate the monthly payments needed to clear off the debt sooner.”—Esther Boivin (retired)

“…the chapter that I found most interesting was…’Bad Advice,’ in which Mr. Bilker questions all that conventional wisdom about debt we read day after day in the financial media.”—Larry Roth, LIVING CHEAP NEWS

“Very useful to me (Credit Card and Debt Management)…it is simple to understand!”—William Sabin, Credit Counselor (retired)

“Bilker…gives a concise, perceptive spin on a problem that affects many of us.”—Faye M. Dasen, THE PILOT 

“For anyone who owes their soul to the company store.”—The New Bookpaper

“There are a ton of financial advice books on the market. One you might wish to check out is Credit Card and Debt Management by Scott Bilker…”—Larry A. Strauss (Business Columnist) NEWS-PRESS

“Lots of helpful hints!”—Debbie Cohen

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