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Credit Card Sleeves – Protect Yourself

Robert Tellier Robert Tellier has a passion for travel and with over 35 years experience in the Travel Industry, I now enjoy sharing travel information, tips, destinations and much more, helping to make your family travel stress-free and enjoyable. Please visit his website and receive our Free Travel Tips eBook just for dropping by!

Credit Card Sleeves – Combat Electronic Pickpocketing

I thought it important to pass on to my readers some valuable Travel Information about credit card fraud and the use of Card Sleeves.

I was watching the news the other day and I was just dumbfounded by how vulnerable we are to thieves in this high – tech world. It seems the latest and hottest trend for thieves is how they can easily scan your credit card information by merely standing next to you or walking slowly past you. This is called ‘electronic pickpocketing.’ Experts say this is a pretty easy and straightforward method, where thieves use an electronic scanner, that looks like a small laptop or notebook and are able to retrieve account numbers, expiration dates and other important personal information.

It’s so simple, many wonder why it hasn’t been used a long time ago!

Sleeves – Fights Radio Frequency Identification

It’s called RFID or Radio Frequency Identification and with this technology, thieves can simply pass by you with a simply scanner device and retrieve all the information they need to use your credit card. This new high – tech thievery is really scary and believe or not, crooks can buy a card reader or similar device on the internet for about $100.

So it seems the development of placing protective chips in credit cards has backfired and card companies are now in the process of replacing over 100 million cards world – wide that have chip technology with a new ‘contactless smartcard’. This change is expected to take over 2 to 3 years. In the meantime, especially if you travel to big cities or regularly find yourself in large crowds, credit card sleeves are definitely worth the small expense for protecting yourself from these criminals that prey on others.

Credit Card Sleeves – Protect Yourself

A simply, yet very effective way of combating electronic pickpocketing is with sleeves for your cards manufactured by a company known as Identity Stronghold. Experts fighting this criminal activity have developed a simply yet effective sleeve or pocket for your cards which keeps your personal information safe from these scanners. It basically shields your cards from having your information stolen.

You should also be aware that not only are your credit cards at risk, but bank cards, drivers licenses, many passports, government id cards and much more have these RFID or Radio Frequency Identification chips embedded in them.

This electronic pickpocketing has become so popular and rampant, that these sleeves for cards are now been featured on numerous news broadcasts and popular TV networks and stations such as CNN, Discovery and Fox, just to name a few. It has become vital that the public be made aware of this high – tech thievery and card companies; government and other authorities are now taking action against this form of theft.

I strongly recommend you check out this form of credit card protection as quickly as you can. It’s unfortunate that as soon as something is developed to better protect our security and personal information, someone in the criminal world comes up with something to override that protection.

It’s important for us to do our part to assist in beating these criminals and travel safely at all times whether it’s just commuting to work on a daily basis or travelling abroad.

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