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"Health Insurance" Thank you for your feedback!
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Since the cost of health care and health insurance continues to increase every year, many companies have dropped health coverage and many families have found themselves without full coverage or any coverage at all. If you are in this group you're not alone, as 41-million Americans have no health coverage whatsoever. At DebtSmart we continue to look for ways for our readers to cut costs. To that end, we have been researching alternatives to expensive health insurance. By filling out the following survey you will help us get a better grasp on what your needs are, allowing us to look for the ideal solution for you and your family.
How many individuals live in your household? 1 2 3 4 5 6 more than 6 n/a
Do you, or your family, have full health insurance coverage? Yes No Don't Know
If yes, are you happy with your current coverage? Yes No n/a
If you don't have full coverage, would you be interested in saving up to 50% on doctor's visits, hospitals, dentists, prescriptions, eyewear, etc.? Yes No n/a
How much would such a plan be worth to cover you or your family? $200 per month $150 per month $100 per month $75 per month $50 per month n/a
Would you prefer to pay for such a plan in one payment if you received two months free? Yes No n/a
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