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Lending To Friends Thank you for your feedback!
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This is always such a tough call. What do you do when your friends ask for money? If they don’t repay are you angry about losing the cash or the trust you had in your friend’s promise?
Have you ever lent money to a family member? Yes No Not Answering
If yes, did they pay you back? Yes Partially No n/a
Would you ever (or ever again) lend money to a family member? Yes No Don't Know Comments
Have you ever lent money to a close friend? Yes No Not Answering
Would you ever (or ever again) lend money to a close friend? Yes No Don't Know Comments
When you lend money to friends or family do you expect repayment, or is it better to think of it as a gift? Expect repayment Gift Don't Know
Would you be more likely to lend money to a family member and/or close friend if a third party were managing the repayment of the loan? The third party would send out the bills, collect the money, charge a small fee, and send you the payment? Yes No Don't Know Comments
Is it fair to charge a reasonable interest fee when lending money to family member or close friends? Yes No Don't Know Comments
What rate is a "reasonable" rate to charge family and friends? 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% Greater than 10% Don't Know
Have you ever borrowed money from a family member? Yes No Not Answering
If yes, did you pay them back in full? If not, why? Yes Partially No n/a Comments
Would you ever (or ever again) borrow money from a family member? Yes No Don't Know Comments
Have you ever borrowed money from a close friend? Yes No Not Answering
Would you ever (or ever again) borrow money from a close friend? Yes No Don't Know Comments
Who would you pay back first? Credit Card Friend or family member n/a
Who would you rather pay interest charges to? Friends and Family Banks Don't Know
Would you be more likely to borrow money from a family member and/or close friend if a third party were managing the repayment of the loan? The third party would send you the bills, collect the money, charge a small fee, and send them the payment? Yes No Don't Know Comments
Is it fair to be charged a small interest fee when borrowing money from family members or close friends? Yes No Don't Know Comments
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