Johnny May's Guide to Preventing
Identity Theft: How criminals steal your
personal information, how to prevent it, and what to do if you become a
by Johnny May
Our Price: $14.95
Ships within 24
(July 2004)
Security Resources Unlimited, LLC,
ISBN 0972439501, Dimensions (in inches): 8.5 x 5.5 x 0.5 |
The crime of identity theft has reached
epidemic proportions. Each year this non-discriminatory crime claims
millions of victims...and the number is growing. So what can individuals and
organizations do to protect themselves? This up-to-date and comprehensive
guide provides readers with the necessary tools to effectively combat this devastating
crime. Readers will learn: what identity theft is, who is at risk, the
impact of the Internet and other technology, how theives steal your personal
information, what individuals and organizations can do to prevent it and
step-by-step instructions for what to do if you become a victim.
"Illuminating, Valuable Resource! Identity
theft has gained an increasing amount of attention with the upsurge in
incidents that cost the victims thousands of dollars and untold hours to
clean up the mess caused by the thieves. This book, written by an
independent security consultant specializing in identity theft, presents a
wealth of fascinating facts about the crime, its growth, how to prevent it,
and what to do if you're a victim.
One of the facts brought out in the book highlights the importance of
prevention: the average reporting time-discovery-of the crime is fourteen
months after the damage has been done! Consider this little book to be a
wake-up call and heed the advice carefully.
The first 91 pages are devoted to an insightful-and sometimes
astonishing-report of what identity theft is all about. Readers will gain a
broad education and learn about vulnerabilities they'd never even dreamed
of! With the problem clearly delineated, May spends the balance of the book
providing a comprehensive listing of resources, advice, and tools for
prevention and response.
This book should be read carefully by anyone with a credit card, social
security number, driver's license, checking account... Get it? Everyone!
Employers will benefit from the book, as well, particularly if their
employees-or others (explained in the book)-have access to personal
information about employees, customers, or even suppliers.
Highly recommended. Content and readability give this book a great return on
your investment of the purchase and reading time."
Roger E. Herman